
정부, 후반기 군 장성 인사 단행..신임 합참차장 황유성 국군방첩사령관

방첩사령관 여인형 육본정보작전참모부장·수방사령관 이진우 합참작전기획본부장

김기홍 기자 | 기사입력 2023/11/06 [13:00]

▲ 윤석열 정부 용산 대통령실 청사 <사진:뉴시스>     


정부가 6일 후반기 군 장성급 인사를 단행한 가운데 신임 합동참모차장에 황유성 국군방첩사령관(육사 46기·중장)이 임명됐다.


또 방첩사령관엔 여인형 육군본부 정보작전참모부장(소장·육사 48기), 수도방위사령관엔 이진우 합참 작전기획본부장(소장·육사 48기)이 각각 내정된 가운데 향후 중장 진급 후 보직된다.


이번 후반기 인사에서 중장 진급 12명, 소장 진급 24명, 준장 진급자 79명이 향후 주요 보직에 임명된다.


황 신임 합참차장은 제20기계화보병사단장·육군본부 군수참모부장·기확관리참모부장 등을 역임했다. 여 신임 방첩사령관은 합동대 육군대학장·육군본부 작전·교훈차장·제53보병사단장 등을 거쳤다.


곽종근·이진우·임기훈 육군 소장 역시 각각 중장으로 진급해 육군특수전사령관·도방위사령관·국방대 총장에 임명되는 가운데 박정택·박후성·주성운 육군 소장은 향후 중장 진급 후 군단장을 맡는다.


해군은 강동길 해군본부 기획관리참모부장(소장·해사 46기)과 최성혁 제1함대사령관(소장·해사 46기)이 각각 중장으로 진급해 해군참모차장·해군작전사령관을 맡는다.


공군 경우 김형수 공군본부 작전참모부장(소장·공사 39기)과 진영승 공군본부 기획관리참모부장(소장·공사 39기), 손석락 한미연합군사령부 정보참모부장(소장·공사 40기)가 향후 중장으로 진급해 각각 공군작전사령관·합참 전략기획본부장·공군참모차장을 맡는다.


이밖에 김성구 육군 준장 등 14명과 강동구 해군 준장 등 5명, 권영민 공군 준장 등 5명은 향후 각각 소장으로 진급돼 육군 사단장·해군 함대사령관·공군전투사령관 등을 맡는다.


또 준장 진급자는 79명인 가운데 군종별로 육군 52명, 해군 10명, 해병대 3명, 공군 14명 등이다. 김계환 해병대사령관(중장)은 이번에 유임됐다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation


The government reorganizes military generals in the second half of the year...new Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hwang Yu-seong, Commander of the Armed Forces Counterintelligence Command

Counterintelligence Command Commander Yeo Yeo-hyung, Deputy Chief of Staff for Army Intelligence Operations, Defense Command Commander Lee Jin-woo, Joint Chiefs of Staff Operation Planning Headquarters

-kihong Kim reporter


While the government carried out personnel reshuffles at the military general level in the second half of the 6th, Hwang Yoo-seong, commander of the ROK Armed Forces Counterintelligence Command (46th Army Corps, Lieutenant General), was appointed as the new Vice Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


In addition, Yeo Yeo-hyeong, Chief of Information Operations Staff at the Army Headquarters (Major General, 48th Army Corps) has been appointed as the Commander of the Counterintelligence Command, and Lee Jin-woo, Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Operational Planning Headquarters (Major General, 48th Army Corps) has been appointed as the Commander of the Capital Defense Command, and will be promoted to Lieutenant General in the future.


In personnel affairs in the second half of this year, 12 people promoted to lieutenant general, 24 people promoted to major general, and 79 people promoted to brigadier general will be appointed to major positions in the future.


The new Deputy Chief of Staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hwang, served as commander of the 20th Mechanized Infantry Division, chief of staff for logistics at Army Headquarters, and chief of staff for technology management. The new counterintelligence commander served as the dean of the Joint University Army College, the deputy director for operations and instruction at the Army Headquarters, and the commander of the 53rd Infantry Division.


Army Major Generals Kwak Jong-geun, Lee Jin-woo, and Lim Ki-hoon were each promoted to lieutenant general and appointed as commander of the Army Special Operations Command, commander of the Provincial Defense Command, and president of the National Defense Force, while Army majors Park Jeong-taek, Park Hoo-sung, and Joo Seong-woon will serve as corps commanders after being promoted to lieutenant general.


In the Navy, Naval Headquarters Planning and Management Chief Kang Dong-gil (Rear Admiral, 46th Marine Corps) and 1st Fleet Commander Choi Seong-hyuk (Rear Admiral, 46th Marine Corps) were promoted to Vice Admiral and took on the roles of Vice Chief of Staff of the Navy and Commander of the Naval Operations Command, respectively.


In the case of the Air Force, Kim Hyeong-soo, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations at the Air Force Headquarters (Major General, Construction 39th Class), Jin Young-seung, Deputy Chief of Planning and Management at Air Force Headquarters (Major General, Construction 39th Class), and Son Seok-rak, Deputy Chief of Information Staff at the ROK-US Combined Forces Command (Major General, Construction 40th Class) will be promoted to Lieutenant General in the future. He will be promoted to the positions of Commander of the Air Force Operations Command, Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Strategic Planning Headquarters, and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Air Force, respectively.


In addition, 14 people, including Army Brigadier General Kim Seong-gu, 5 Navy Brigadier General Kang Dong-gu, and 5 Air Force Brigadier General Kwon Young-min will each be promoted to major general in the future and take on the roles of Army division commander, Navy fleet commander, and Air Force combat commander.


Additionally, among the 79 people promoted to brigadier general, 52 are in the Army, 10 in the Navy, 3 in the Marine Corps, and 14 in the Air Force. Marine Corps Commander Kim Gye-hwan (Lieutenant General) was retained in office this time.







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