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브레이크뉴스 문홍철 기자= 지난해 경력직 채용이 가장 활발했던 직무는 ‘개발·데이터’였으며, 합격자들은 평균 ‘8년차’에 이직한 것으로 조사됐다.
3일 잡코리아 AI 매칭 서비스 원픽이 발행한 ‘경력직 채용 현황 및 전망’ 리포트에 따르면 지난해 경력직 채용 수요가 가장 많았던 직무는 ‘개발·데이터’ 직무가 15%로 1위를 차지했다. 이어 △마케팅·광고(14%) △영업(14%) △엔지니어링(8%) △디자인(8%) 순이었다..
산업별 공고 분포는 ‘IT·정보통신업’이 35%로 가장 많았고 △제조·생산업(25%) △서비스업(10%) △판매·유통업(10%) 등이었다.
지난해 이직을 준비한 지원자들의 직무 현황은 총 21개 직무 중 ‘개발·데이터(9%)’, ‘영업(9%)’이 가장 높았고, △디자인(8%) △마케팅·광고·MD(7%) △회계·세무(7%) 순이었다.
개발·데이터 직무는 공고와 지원자 모두 가장 많아 지난해 가장 이직이 활발했던 것으로 나타났다.
이직에 성공한 합격자들의 평균 경력은 ‘8년차’로 조직 내 실무자, 신규 리더 및 중간 관리자의 합격 비중이 높았다. 최근 한국노동연구원 보고서를 보면 경력 8년차 인재가 주로 포진한 30대의 취업자 수는 전년 대비 9만명 늘어나는 등 실제 취업과 이직이 많은 것으로 분석됐다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
In 2024, career recruitment ‘development/data’ was the most popular.. Average 8-year career change
Last year, the most active job for career recruitment was ‘development/data’, and it was found that successful applicants changed jobs after an average of ‘8 years’.
According to the ‘Current Status and Outlook for Career Recruitment’ report published by Job Korea AI matching service One Pick on the 3rd, the job with the highest demand for career recruitment last year was ‘development/data’, taking first place with 15%. This was followed by △marketing/advertising (14%) △sales (14%) △engineering (8%) △design (8%).
The distribution of job postings by industry was ‘IT/information and communication’ with the most at 35%, followed by △manufacturing/production (25%) △service (10%) △sales/distribution (10%), etc.
Last year, the job status of applicants who prepared for a job change was ‘Development/Data (9%)’ and ‘Sales (9%)’ out of a total of 21 jobs, followed by △Design (8%) △Marketing/Advertising/MD (7%) △Accounting/Tax (7%).
The development/data job was the most popular in terms of both announcements and applicants, showing that job changes were the most active last year.
The average career of those who successfully changed jobs was ‘8 years’, and the percentage of successful applicants was high among practitioners, new leaders, and mid-level managers within the organization. According to a recent report by the Korea Labor Institute, the number of employed people in their 30s, who are mostly people with 8 years of experience, increased by 90,000 compared to the previous year, showing that actual employment and job changes were high.