
올 설 연휴 얇아진 지갑에 소비 ‘꽁꽁’..가성비 찾는다

최애리 기자 | 기사입력 2025/01/23 [12:47]

브레이크뉴스 최애리 기자= 국내 정치불안, 경기불황, 고물가 등으로 인한 소비심리 위축으로 지갑 사정이 더욱 얇아진 가운데, 올해 설 명절은 가성비 위주의 실용적인 소비를 할 것이라는 조사결과가 나왔다.


대한상공회의소가 최근 전국 성인 남녀 500명을 대상으로 실시한 ‘설 명절 소비인식 조사’에 따르면 응답자의 31.6%가 ‘작년보다 지출을 줄일 계획’이라고 답했으며, ‘지출을 늘릴 계획’이라는 답변은 22.0%에 그쳤다. ‘변동 없음’은 46.4%였다.


지출을 줄이는 이유로는 ‘지속되는 고물가’(58.9%)를 가장 많이 꼽았으며, △경기 불황 지속(36.7%) △가계부채 증가(31.0%) △소득감소( 29.1%) △세금 등 부담 증가(26.6%) △고용사정 악화(10.1%) 등이었다.


특히, 소비자들은 설 선물 구입의 기준으로 ‘가성비’(68.2%)를 가장 중요한 고려요인으로 꼽았다.


이에 반해 ‘받는사람 취향’(33.1%), ‘건강관련’(31.1%), ‘고급스러움(22.0%)’, ‘디자인(9.5%)’등 주관적인 요소는 비교적 비중이 낮게 나타나, 올 설 명절에는 가격 경쟁력을 갖춘 실속 있는 상품이 인기가 있을 것으로 전망됐다.


아울러 올 설 연휴에는 61.0%가 지인이나 친척에게 선물을 할 계획이 있다고 답한 가운데, 설 명절에 가장 받고 싶은 선물로 ‘현금·상품권’(48.2%)을 가장 많이 꼽았다. 


이어 ‘정육’(32.8%)과 ‘과일·농산물’(31.5%), ‘수산물’(12.5%), ‘건강식품(11.8%)’, ‘주류’(8.9%) ‘가공식품’(8.5%) ‘디저트’ (7.9%), ‘생활용품’(7.2%), ‘미용용품’(3.3%) 등이었다.


반면, 가장 많이 선물할 것으로 답한 선물 1위는 ‘과일·농산물’(48.5%)이 꼽혔다. 


다음으로 ‘정육’(29.2%), ‘건강식품’(21.6%), ‘현금·상품권’(19.0%), ‘가공식품’(16.1%), ‘디저트’(12.8%), ‘수산물’(12.5%), ‘주류’(10.8%), ‘생활용품’(9.5%), ‘미용용품’(4.6%) 순이었다.


선물 구입을 위해 사용하는 예산으로는 ‘20~29만원’(24.9%)을 가장 많았으며, ‘10만원 이하’(23.0%), ‘11~19만원’(19.7%), 30만원 이상(32.5%) 등이었다.


현재 계획 중인 선물의 가격대는 개당 ‘3~5만원’(52.1%)이 가장 많았으며, ‘6~9만원’(21.3%), ‘10만원대’(13.4%)가 뒤를 이었다. 상대적으로 고가인 ‘20만원 이상’은 3.9%로 낮은 비중을 보였다.


설 선물의 개수는 ‘3~4개’(45.9%), ‘1~2개’(36.7%), ‘5~7개’( 13.8%) 순이었다.


설 선물 구입 장소로는 ‘대형마트’(65.2%)를 가장 선호했으며, ‘온라인 쇼핑몰’(44.3%), ‘백화점’(17.7%), ‘전통시장’(14.1%), ‘슈퍼마켓’(8.5%), ‘다이소, 올리브영 등 전문점’(4.3%), ‘홈쇼핑’(2%), ‘기타’(0.7%) 등이었다.


한편, 임시공휴일 지정에 대해서는 적절하다는 의견이 많았다. 정부의 임시공휴일 지정에 대해 소비자 10명 중 6명(56.8%)은 ‘적절하다’고 답했으며, ‘적절하지 않다’는 의견은 16.4%에 그쳤다. 


적절하다고 응답한 주요 이유로는 ‘휴식을 통한 삶의 질 개선’(62.7%), ‘소비진작을 통한 내수경제 활성화 기여’(33.1%), ‘기업 및 사회 전반의 생산성 향상’(4.2%) 등이었다.


소비 활성화를 위해 필요한 정부 대책으로는 ‘물가·환율 안정’(56.6%),‘경제 불안심리 안정’(26.8%) 등 경제의 불안정성을 조기에 해소하기 위한 중장기 정책과제를 많이 꼽았다. 




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


This Lunar New Year holiday, spending on thinner wallets is ‘full’…Looking for cost-effectiveness


Amidst the weakening consumer sentiment due to domestic political instability, economic recession, and high prices, a survey result showed that this year’s Lunar New Year holiday will be a practical one focused on cost-effectiveness.


According to the ‘Lunar New Year Holiday Consumption Perception Survey’ conducted by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 500 adult men and women nationwide, 31.6% of respondents answered that they ‘plan to reduce spending compared to last year,’ while only 22.0% answered that they ‘plan to increase spending.’ 46.4% answered that there was ‘no change.’


The most common reason for reducing spending was ‘continuing high prices’ (58.9%), followed by △continuing economic recession (36.7%), △increasing household debt (31.0%), △decrease in income (29.1%), △increasing burdens such as taxes (26.6%), and △worsening employment conditions (10.1%).


In particular, consumers cited ‘cost-effectiveness’ (68.2%) as the most important factor to consider when purchasing Lunar New Year gifts.


In contrast, subjective factors such as ‘recipient’s taste’ (33.1%), ‘health-related’ (31.1%), ‘luxury (22.0%)’, and ‘design (9.5%)’ had relatively low weights, indicating that practical products with competitive prices are expected to be popular during this Lunar New Year holiday.


In addition, 61.0% of respondents said they plan to give gifts to acquaintances or relatives during this Lunar New Year holiday, and ‘cash/gift certificates’ (48.2%) were chosen as the gift they most want to receive during the Lunar New Year holiday.


Next were ‘meat’ (32.8%), ‘fruits and agricultural products’ (31.5%), ‘seafood’ (12.5%), ‘health food’ (11.8%), ‘alcohol’ (8.9%), ‘processed food’ (8.5%), ‘dessert’ (7.9%), ‘daily necessities’ (7.2%), and ‘beauty products’ (3.3%).


On the other hand, the gift that people said they would give most often was ‘fruits and agricultural products’ (48.5%).


Next were ‘meat’ (29.2%), ‘health food’ (21.6%), ‘cash and gift certificates’ (19.0%), ‘processed food’ (16.1%), ‘dessert’ (12.8%), ‘seafood’ (12.5%), ‘alcohol’ (10.8%), ‘daily necessities’ (9.5%), and ‘beauty products’ (4.6%).


The budget used for purchasing gifts was ‘200,000 to 290,000 won’ (24.9%), followed by ‘under 100,000 won’ (23.0%), ‘110,000 to 190,000 won’ (19.7%), and ‘over 300,000 won’ (32.5%).


The price range of gifts currently being planned was ‘30,000 to 50,000 won’ (52.1%), followed by ‘60,000 to 90,000 won’ (21.3%), and ‘100,000 won’ (13.4%). The relatively expensive ‘over 200,000 won’ had a low proportion at 3.9%.


The number of gifts for Lunar New Year was ‘3 to 4’ (45.9%), ‘1 to 2’ (36.7%), and ‘5 to 7’ (13.8%).


The most preferred place to purchase Lunar New Year gifts was ‘large mart’ (65.2%), followed by ‘online shopping mall’ (44.3%), ‘department store’ (17.7%), ‘traditional market’ (14.1%), ‘supermarket’ (8.5%), ‘specialty stores such as Daiso and Olive Young’ (4.3%), ‘home shopping’ (2%), and ‘other’ (0.7%).


Meanwhile, many people said that the designation of temporary public holidays was appropriate. Six out of ten consumers (56.8%) responded that the government’s designation of temporary public holidays was ‘appropriate’, while only 16.4% responded that it was ‘inappropriate.’


The main reasons for responding that it was appropriate were ‘improving quality of life through rest’ (62.7%), ‘contributing to revitalizing the domestic economy through consumption stimulation’ (33.1%), and ‘improving productivity of companies and society as a whole’ (4.2%).


As government measures necessary to stimulate consumption, many respondents cited mid- to long-term policy tasks to quickly resolve economic instability, such as ‘stabilizing prices and exchange rates’ (56.6%) and ‘stabilizing economic anxiety’ (26.8%). 

기사제보 및 보도자료 119@breaknews.com
ⓒ 한국언론의 세대교체 브레이크뉴스 / 무단전재 및 재배포금지
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