
기업 63.2%, 올해 정규직 채용..수시채용 과반 이상

문홍철 기자 | 기사입력 2025/01/13 [10:17]

브레이크뉴스 문홍철 기자= 기업 10곳 중 6곳 이상이 올해 정규직 채용 계획을 수립한 것으로 나타났다.


13일 사람인에 따르면 기업 511개사를 대상으로 ‘2025년 정규직 채용 계획’을 조사한 결과, 63.2%가 ‘채용 계획이 있다’고 답했다. 23.1%는 올해 채용 계획이 없었으며, 13.7%는 아직 채용계획을 세우지 못했다고 응답했다.


규모별로는 300인 이상(69.7%), 100인 미만(63.1%), 100인 이상~300인 미만(59.1%) 순이었다.


올해 정규직 채용 계획이 있는 기업의 75.5%는 신입과 경력을 모두 뽑는다고 답했다. 경력만 채용하는 기업은 16.4%였으며, 신입만 뽑는 곳은 8.1%로 집계됐다.


신입사원을 채용할 직무는 ‘제조/생산’(28.9%)이 가장 많았다. 이어 ‘영업/판매/무역’(18.1%), ‘서비스’(13%), ‘IT개발/데이터’(11.9%), ‘기획/전략/사업개발’(11.5%), ‘R&D’(11.1%), ’인사/총무’(9.6%), ‘마케팅’(8.9%), ‘재무/회계’(8.1%) 등이었다.


주된 신입사원 채용 방식은 ‘수시채용’이 60.4%로 과반이었다. 30.4%는 공채와 수시 모두 활용할 예정이었고, 9.2%는 공채를 통해서만 신입사원을 채용한다고 답했다.


경력사원의 경우 ‘제조/생산’(23.2%), ‘영업/판매/무역’(21.9%), ‘기획/전략/사업개발’(13.1%), ‘IT개발/데이터’(12.5%), ‘R&D’(11.1%), ‘서비스’(10.8%), ‘재무/회계’(10.1%) 직무 인재를 뽑는다는 응답이 많았다. 


채용하고자 하는 경력 연차는 ‘3년차’(42.1%), ‘5년차’(39.1%), ‘2년차’(22.2%), ‘1년차’(17.2%), ‘4년차’(14.5%), ‘10년차’(13.5%), ‘7년차’(10.8%) 등으로, 3년차 이하 주니어 경력직에 대한 수요가 높았다.


경력사원 채용 방식은 ‘수시 채용’(80.5%), ‘채용 플랫폼 인재 검색’(19.9%), ‘경력 공채’(19.5%), ‘내부 추천’(16.2%) 등을 활용할 것으로 조사됐다.


올해 정규직 채용 계획을 세운 기업들(323개사)은 ‘현재 인력이 부족해서’(64.1%), ‘우수 인력을 확보하기 위해서’(28.5%), ‘인력들의 퇴사가 예정돼 있어서’(24.5%), ‘사업을 확장해서’(24.1%) 등을 채용의 주요 이유로 꼽았다. 


한편, 올해 채용계획이 없거나 미정인 기업들(188개사)은 그 이유로 ‘인건비가 부담돼서’(36.2%), ‘업황이 좋지 않아서’(36.2%)를, ‘현재 인력으로도 충분해서’(23.9%), ‘대내외 불확실성이 너무 커서’(25%), ‘경기가 얼어붙고 있어서’(11.2%) 등이었다.




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


63.2% of companies to hire regular employees this year... More than half of numerical hiring


More than 6 out of 10 companies have established regular employee hiring plans this year.


According to Saramin on the 13th, as a result of a survey of 511 companies on their ‘2025 regular employee hiring plans,’ 63.2% responded that they ‘have hiring plans.’ 23.1% had no hiring plans this year, and 13.7% responded that they have not yet established a hiring plan.


By size, the order was 300 or more employees (69.7%), less than 100 employees (63.1%), and 100 to less than 300 employees (59.1%).


75.5% of companies that have regular employee hiring plans this year responded that they will hire both new and experienced employees. 16.4% of companies only hire experienced employees, and 8.1% only hire new employees.


The most common job for hiring new employees was ‘manufacturing/production’ (28.9%). Next were ‘Sales/Sales/Trade’ (18.1%), ‘Service’ (13%), ‘IT Development/Data’ (11.9%), ‘Planning/Strategy/Business Development’ (11.5%), ‘R&D’ (11.1%), ‘Human Resources/General Affairs’ (9.6%), ‘Marketing’ (8.9%), and ‘Finance/Accounting’ (8.1%).


The main method of recruiting new employees was ‘continuous recruitment’, which accounted for over half at 60.4%. 30.4% planned to utilize both open recruitment and continuous recruitment, while 9.2% responded that they would recruit new employees only through open recruitment.


In the case of career employees, there were many responses that they were recruiting for ‘manufacturing/production’ (23.2%), ‘sales/sales/trade’ (21.9%), ‘planning/strategy/business development’ (13.1%), ‘IT development/data’ (12.5%), ‘R&D’ (11.1%), ‘service’ (10.8%), and ‘finance/accounting’ (10.1%).


The number of years of experience they wanted to hire was ‘3rd year’ (42.1%), ‘5th year’ (39.1%), ‘2nd year’ (22.2%), ‘1st year’ (17.2%), ‘4th year’ (14.5%), ‘10th year’ (13.5%), and ‘7th year’ (10.8%), showing a high demand for junior career positions with 3 years or less of experience.


The method of recruiting career employees was found to utilize ‘continuous recruitment’ (80.5%), ‘recruitment platform talent search’ (19.9%), ‘career recruitment’ (19.5%), and ‘internal recommendation’ (16.2%).


Companies that have established regular employee recruitment plans this year (323 companies) cited ‘current shortage of personnel’ (64.1%), ‘to secure excellent personnel’ (28.5%), ‘planned resignation of personnel’ (24.5%), and ‘to expand business’ (24.1%) as the main reasons for recruitment.


Meanwhile, companies with no or undecided hiring plans this year (188 companies) cited reasons such as “burden of labor costs” (36.2%), “business conditions are not good” (36.2%), “current workforce is sufficient” (23.9%), “domestic and external uncertainties are too high” (25%), and “the economy is freezing” (11.2%).


기사제보 및 보도자료 119@breaknews.com
ⓒ 한국언론의 세대교체 브레이크뉴스 / 무단전재 및 재배포금지
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