계엄사령부가 국회 비상계엄 해제 의결 이후에도 계엄상황을 유지했던 정황이 최초로 드러났다.
노종면 더불어민주당 의원 (인천 부평갑, 국회 과학기술정보방송통신위원회) 은 앞서 방통위에 연락관을 요청한 번호인 ‘02-748-XXXX’ 3곳 중 1곳이 국군심리전단이라고 밝힌 바 있다. 그러나 합동참모본부는 이 전화의 출처가 ‘ 계엄사령부가 설치되었던 지하 작전회의실’ 라고 답변했다.
노종면 의원은 앞서 방통위 사무실로 연락관 파견 요청 전화가 걸려온 시간이 4일 01시 15분, 02시 05분, 03시 20분경이었다고 밝혔다. 한편, 국회에서 비상계엄해제 결의안이 통과된 시각은 4일 01시 01분이다.
만약, 당시 합참 지하 작전회의실에 설치되었던 계엄사령부가 전화한 것이라면 , 국회 결의안이 통과된 이후에도 계엄사령부가 방통위에 연락관 파견 요청을 한 것이다. 이는 국회의 결정 이후에도 계엄 상황을 계속 유지했다는 의미다.
윤석열은 지난 12일, 대국민 담화에서 “저는 국회의 해제 요구를 즉각 수용했다”고 밝힌 바 있다. 그러나 계엄사령부가 국회 계엄해제 의결 2시간 20분 이후에도 활동했던 사실을 볼 때, 윤석열이 거짓 해명을 했을 가능성이 큰 것으로 보인다.
노종면 의원은 “국회가 비상계엄 해제를 의결했음에도 불구하고 계엄사령부가 지속적으로 활동했다”면서, “이는 윤석열이 계엄해제를 불복하고 계엄을 유지하기 위한 시도를 했다는 것이 확인된 것이다”고 밝혔다.
노 의원은 “윤석열의 즉각 계엄해제가 거짓 발언으로 확인된 만큼, 계엄선포부터 해제까지 행적에 대한 철저한 수사가 필요하다”고 촉구했다. hpf21@naver.com
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Rep. Noh Jong-myeon: “Yoon Seok-yeol’s request to lift martial law immediately accepted by the National Assembly is proven to be false”
Martial law command maintained the situation for 2 hours and 20 minutes after the National Assembly voted to lift martial law
The situation where the martial law command maintained the martial law situation even after the National Assembly voted to lift martial law has been revealed for the first time.
Rep. Noh Jong-myeon of the Democratic Party of Korea (Incheon Bupyeong-gap, National Assembly Science, Technology, Information, Broadcasting and Communications Committee) previously stated that one of the three numbers ‘02-748-XXXX’ that requested a liaison officer from the Korea Communications Commission was the Armed Forces Psychological Warfare Unit. However, the Joint Chiefs of Staff responded that the source of the call was ‘the underground operations conference room where the martial law command was established.’
Rep. Noh Jong-myeon previously stated that the times when calls requesting the dispatch of a liaison officer were made to the KCC office were around 1:15, 2:05, and 3:20 on the 4th. Meanwhile, the time the National Assembly passed the resolution to lift martial law was 01:01 on the 4th.
If the call was made by the Martial Law Command, which was located in the Joint Chiefs of Staff underground operations conference room at the time, the Martial Law Command requested the dispatch of a liaison officer to the Korea Communications Commission even after the National Assembly resolution was passed. This means that the martial law situation was maintained even after the National Assembly’s decision.
On the 12th, Yoon Seok-yeol stated in a public address, “I immediately accepted the National Assembly’s request to lift martial law.” However, given that the Martial Law Command was still active 2 hours and 20 minutes after the National Assembly’s decision to lift martial law, it seems highly likely that Yoon Seok-yeol made a false explanation.
Rep. Noh Jong-myeon stated, “The Martial Law Command continued to operate even after the National Assembly voted to lift martial law,” and “This confirms that Yoon Seok-yeol refused to accept the decision to lift martial law and attempted to maintain martial law.”
Rep. Roh said, “Since it has been confirmed that Yoon Seok-yeol’s immediate lifting of martial law was a false statement, a thorough investigation into his actions from the declaration of martial law to its lifting is necessary.” hpf21@naver.com