[브레이크뉴스경기남부=수원 오경희기자] 경기도와 경기도 북부권 시장군수협의회가 ‘2024년 제2회 경기북부 미래비전 포럼’을 열고 ‘경기북부 균형발전 공동선언’을 발표했다.
9일 고양시 아람누리 새라새극장에서 열린 이날 공동선언에는 오후석 경기도 행정2부지사와 경기도 북부권 시장군수협의회 시장·군수가 함께 했다.
공동선언은 경기도 북부권 시장군수협의회에서 2대 회장으로 의정부시장을 선출하고, 1호 안건으로 의결한 안건으로
경기북부특별자치도 설치 추진 등의 내용이다.
공동선언문은 ▲경기북부 균형발전 및 자치분권을 위한 공동 노력(경기북부특별자치도 설치 함께 추진) ▲경기북부의 미래 먹거리로서 신성장산업벨트 구축을 위한 협력(디스플레이, 모빌리티, 국방산업, 우주항공, 미디어 콘텐츠, 관광 MICE 등) ▲경기북부 신성장산업 육성을 위한 특구지정을 위한 공동 노력(경제자유구역, 국가첨단전략산업특화단지, 평화경제특구, 기회발전특구 등) ▲GTX·도시철도, 격자형 도로망 등 교통 인프라 확충(연천-서울, 동서 10축 고속도로 등 남북을 잇는 격자형 도로망 구축 등) ▲경기북부의 발전을 억제해온 중첩규제 개선(수도권 역차별, 군사시설규제 등 중첩규제를 개선, 반환공여구역과 미활용 군용지 활용 활성화 등) ▲DMZ 보전과 글로벌 관광명소화, 국제평화자유도시 조성(DMZ의 생태·역사 자원을 보전하고 세계적 관광명소로 조성) ▲수도권-비수도권 협력을 통해 균형발전과 지역간 상생모델을 구축(경기북부 10개 시군과 수도권내 지역간 협력, 수도권-비수도권간 상생협력 추진) 등 7가지 협력내용을 담고 있다.
경기도와 경기도 북부권 시장군수협의회는 공동선언에 담긴 협력사업을 통해 경기북부를 대한민국의 신성장동력으로 육성하고 균형발전을 이룰 수 있도록 적극 협조할 것을 다짐했다.
선언식에는 경기북부특별자치도 설치 특별위원회 위원인 정경자·윤충식· 도의원과 김완규 도의원, 심홍순 도의원을 비롯 경기북부특별자치도 민관합동추진위원, 경기도의정회 박정현회장과 각 시군 경제인 및 전문가 300여명이 참석하여 경기북부의 발전을 함께 염원했다.
이날 오후석 행정2부지사는 축사를 통해 “경기북부 규제개선과 지역발전의 지름길인 경기북부특별자치도 설치 추진과 경기북부의 균형발전을 위해서는 경기도와 시군이 함께 발맞춰 나가고 한목소리를 내는 것이 무엇보다 중요하며 오늘이 그 출발점이다”라며 “경기도 전체의 발전을 넘어 대한민국의 발전을 견인해 나갈 수 있도록 힘쓰겠다”고 밝혔다.
한편 경기도 북부권 시장군수협의회 주최로 개최된 ‘2024년 제2회 경기북부 미래비전 포럼’은 ‘대한민국의 신성장동력 경기북부! 함께 그리다’ 라는 주제로 진행됐으며 안지호 고양연구원 경제자유구역센터장이 경기북부의 경제자유구역 지정에 대해 주제발표를, 탁용석 경기콘텐츠진흥원장이 경기북부의 영상 산업 진흥에 대한 발표를 통해 경기북부의 특화된 성장 전략에 대해 논의했다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
[Break News Gyeonggi Nambu = Suwon Oh Kyung-hee Reporter] Gyeonggi Province and the Gyeonggi Northern Region Mayors and County Governors Association held the ‘2nd Gyeonggi Northern Region Future Vision Forum in 2024’ and announced the ‘Joint Declaration on Balanced Development in Northern Gyeonggi Province.’
On the 9th, the joint declaration was made at the Aram Nuri Sarasae Theater in Goyang City, attended by Oh Hu-seok, the 2nd Vice Governor of Gyeonggi Province, and the mayors and county governors of the Gyeonggi Northern Region Mayors and County Governors Association.
The joint declaration included the election of the Mayor of Uijeongbu as the 2nd Chairman of the Gyeonggi Northern Region Mayors and County Governors Association, and the agenda item 1, which was passed
to promote the establishment of the Gyeonggi Northern Region Special Self-Governing Province, etc.
The joint declaration includes ▲joint efforts for balanced development and decentralization in northern Gyeonggi Province (jointly promoting the establishment of the Northern Gyeonggi Special Self-Governing Province), ▲cooperation to establish a new growth industry belt as the future food source of northern Gyeonggi Province (displays, mobility, defense industry, aerospace, media content, tourism MICE, etc.), ▲joint efforts to designate special zones for fostering new growth industries in northern Gyeonggi Province (free economic zones, national high-tech strategic industry special complexes, peace economic special zones, opportunity development special zones, etc.), ▲expanding transportation infrastructure such as GTX, urban railways, and a grid-like road network (building a grid-like road network connecting the South and the North, such as the Yeoncheon-Seoul and East-West 10-axis expressways), ▲improving overlapping regulations that have been restraining the development of northern Gyeonggi Province (improving overlapping regulations such as reverse discrimination against the metropolitan area and military facility regulations, activating the use of returned and granted areas and unused military land, etc.), ▲preserving the DMZ and turning it into a global tourist attraction, and creating an international peace and freedom city (preserving the ecological and historical resources of the DMZ and developing it into a world-class tourist attraction), ▲cooperation between the metropolitan area and non-metropolitan areas, etc. It contains 7 cooperation contents such as establishing a model for balanced development and regional coexistence (promoting cooperation between 10 cities and counties in northern Gyeonggi Province and regions within the metropolitan area, and coexistence between the metropolitan area and non-metropolitan areas).
Gyeonggi Province and the Gyeonggi Northern Mayors and County Governors Council pledged to actively cooperate to foster northern Gyeonggi Province as a new growth engine for the Republic of Korea and achieve balanced development through the cooperation projects included in the joint declaration.
The declaration ceremony was attended by approximately 300 people including members of the Special Committee for the Establishment of the Northern Gyeonggi Province Special Self-Governing Province, including Jeong Gyeong-ja, Yoon Chung-sik, and Assembly members Kim Wan-gyu and Shim Hong-soon, as well as the Gyeonggi Northern Special Self-Governing Province Public-Private Joint Promotion Committee, Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Chairman Park Jeong-hyeon, and businesspeople and experts from each city and county, who wished for the development of northern Gyeonggi Province together.
On this day, Vice Governor Oh Hu-seok of the Second Administrative Office said in his congratulatory speech, “In order to promote the establishment of the Northern Gyeonggi Special Self-Governing Province, which is a shortcut to regulatory reform and regional development in northern Gyeonggi Province, and to achieve balanced development in northern Gyeonggi Province, it is most important for Gyeonggi Province and cities and counties to work together and speak with one voice, and today is the starting point,” and “We will do our best to lead the development of the Republic of Korea beyond the development of Gyeonggi Province as a whole.” Meanwhile, the ‘2024 2nd Northern Gyeonggi Future Vision Forum’ hosted by the Gyeonggi Province Northern Mayors and County Governors Association was held under the theme of ‘Northern Gyeonggi, the new growth engine of the Republic of Korea! Let’s draw it together,’ and Ahn Ji-ho, the director of the Goyang Institute’s Free Economic Zone Center, gave a keynote speech on the designation of the Northern Gyeonggi Free Economic Zone, and Tak Yong-seok, the director of the Gyeonggi Content Promotion Agency, gave a presentation on the promotion of the video industry in northern Gyeonggi Province, discussing the specialized growth strategy for northern Gyeonggi Province.
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 경기남부