
전남도, 올해 친환경농업직불금 185억 지급 전국 최다

도, 국비 110억원…지속가능 친환경농업 위해 도비 75억 추가…내년부터 친환경농업직불금 등 인상·지급상한 면적 확대

이학수기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/09 [14:08]
▲ 영암 고구마 친환경농업 단지 전경     

(무안=브레이크뉴스) 이학수 기자=전남도는 2024년 친환경농업직불금 110억 원, 유기·무농약 지속 직불금 75억 원을 확정하고, 직불금 총 185억 원을 지급한다고 밝혔다.


친환경농업직불금은 친환경농업 이행에 따른 소득 감소분과 생산비 차액을 농가에 보전함으로써 지속 가능한 저탄소농업 실현을 위해 1999년부터 시행된 제도다.


지급 대상은 지난해 11월부터 올해 10월까지 친환경 인증을 유지하면서 인증기관으로부터 이행점검 결과 적격으로 통보받은 1만 4천여 친환경농업 실천 농가다. 지급 면적은 약 1만 9천ha로, 110억 원(국비)을 지급한다.


전남도가 지급할 친환경농업직불금은 전국 총 210억 원의 52% 규모이며, 농가당 평균 지급액은 77만 원이다.


지급 면적은 농가당 0.1ha부터 5.0ha까지다. 인증단계별 ha당 지급단가는 논은 35만 원에서 70만 원까지, 과수는 70만 원에서 140만 원까지, 채소·특작은 65만 원에서 130만 원까지 지원한다.


친환경농업직불금은 유기농 5년차까지, 무농약 3년차까지 100% 지원하지만, 유기농 6년차부터 50%, 무농약 4년차부터 지원을 중단한다.


이에 전남도는 지속가능한 친환경농업 실천을 위해 2015년부터 유기·무농약 지속직불금 지원 자체 사업을 추진, 유기농은 6년차부터 50%를 더해 100%, 무농약은 4년차부터 50%를 지원하고 있다.


유기·무농약 지속직불금 지급 대상은 친환경농업직불금 수령 후 친환경(유기농·무농약) 지속 인증 농지로서 지급 면적은 약 1만 5천ha로, 1만 3천여 농가에 75억 원을 지급한다.


유덕규 전남도 친환경농업과장은 “각고의 노력으로 7년 만에 2025년부터 친환경직불금이 확대된다”며 “대한민국 유기농 1번지 친환경농업 확산을 위해 더욱 노력을 기울이겠다”고 말했다.


한편 2025년 친환경농업직불금은 정부 예산 319억 원으로 확대 반영되면서 전남은 올해 110억 원 대비 73억이 증액된 183억 원을 확보했다.


내년부터 인상되는 친환경농업직불금(국비) 세부 내용은 논 직불 단가를 ha당 유기는 70만 원에서 95만 원, 무농약은 50만 원에서 75만 원, 6년 차부터 지급되는 유기지속직불금은 ha당 논은 35만 원에서 57만 원, 채소는 65만 원에서 78만 원, 과수는 70만 원에서 84만 원으로 인상된다. 지급 상한 면적은 현행 5ha에서 30ha까지 지급할 계획이다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문] 입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


Jeollanam-do, 18.5 billion won in direct payments for eco-friendly agriculture this year, the largest in the country

Province, 11 billion won in national funds… 7.5 billion won in provincial funds added for sustainable eco-friendly agriculture… Increase in eco-friendly agriculture direct payments, etc., and expansion of payment ceiling area starting next year

(Muan=Break News) Reporter Lee Hak-su=Jeollanam-do announced that it has finalized 11 billion won in direct payments for eco-friendly agriculture and 7.5 billion won in continuous direct payments for organic and pesticide-free farming in 2024, and will pay a total of 18.5 billion won in direct payments.

The direct payments for eco-friendly agriculture are a system that has been implemented since 1999 to realize sustainable low-carbon agriculture by compensating farmers for the decrease in income and the difference in production costs due to the transition to eco-friendly agriculture.

The payment target is approximately 14,000 eco-friendly farming households that maintained eco-friendly certification from November of last year to October of this year and were notified as qualified by the certification agency as a result of the implementation inspection. The payment area is approximately 19,000 ha, and 11 billion won (national funds) will be paid.

The eco-friendly agricultural direct payment to be paid by Jeollanam-do is 52% of the national total of 21 billion won, and the average payment per farm is 770,000 won.

The payment area is from 0.1 ha to 5.0 ha per farm. The payment unit price per ha by certification stage is 350,000 to 700,000 won for rice paddies, 700,000 to 1.4 million won for orchards, and 650,000 to 1.3 million won for vegetables and special crops.

The eco-friendly agricultural direct payment is 100% supported for up to the 5th year of organic farming and up to the 3rd year of pesticide-free farming, but support is discontinued from the 6th year of organic farming and 50% from the 4th year of pesticide-free farming.

Accordingly, Jeollanam-do has been promoting its own project to support organic and pesticide-free continuous direct payments since 2015 to practice sustainable, eco-friendly agriculture. Organic farming is supported by an additional 50% from the 6th year to 100%, and pesticide-free farming is supported by 50% from the 4th year.

The target of the organic and pesticide-free continuous direct payments is the eco-friendly (organic and pesticide-free) continuous certified farmland after receiving the eco-friendly agriculture direct payment. The payment area is approximately 15,000 ha, and 7.5 billion won is paid to 13,000 farms.

Jeollanam-do Eco-friendly Agriculture Division Chief Yoo Deok-gyu said, “Thanks to our hard work, the eco-friendly direct payments will be expanded in 2025 after 7 years,” and added, “We will make even more efforts to spread eco-friendly agriculture, the number one organic farming in Korea.”

Meanwhile, as the 2025 eco-friendly agricultural direct payment is reflected in the government budget of 31.9 billion won, Jeonnam secured 18.3 billion won, an increase of 7.3 billion won from this year's 11 billion won.

The details of the eco-friendly agricultural direct payment (national budget) that will be increased from next year include the direct payment unit price per hectare for organic rice fields will be increased from 700,000 won to 950,000 won, and for pesticide-free rice fields from 500,000 won to 750,000 won, and the organic continuous direct payment that will be paid from the 6th year will be increased from 350,000 won to 570,000 won per hectare for rice fields, from 650,000 won to 780,000 won for vegetables, and from 700,000 won to 840,000 won for fruits. The maximum payment area is planned to be paid from the current 5 ha to 30 ha.


원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 전남
기사제보 및 보도자료 119@breaknews.com
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