
‘사랑은 외나무다리에서’ 주지훈·정유미, 꿈결 키스 엔딩..숨멎 긴장감 고조

철천지원수들 전쟁 같은 로맨스, 6화 8일 밤 9시 20분 방송

박동제 기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/08 [12:30]

▲ ‘사랑은 외나무다리에서’ 주지훈·정유미, 꿈결 키스 엔딩 <사진출처=tvN 방송 캡처>  © 브레이크뉴스

브레이크뉴스 박동제 기자= tvN ‘사랑은 외나무다리에서’ 측은 8일 “배우 주지훈과 정유미가 열기로 가득한 꿈결 키스를 나누며 안방극장의 숨멎 긴장감을 고조시켰다”고 밝혔다.


지난 7일 방송된 tvN ‘사랑은 외나무다리에서’(연출 박준화 배희영/극본 임예진/기획 스튜디오드래곤/제작 스튜디오드래곤 블리츠웨이프로덕션) 5화는 “고작 3개월 연애” 발언에 자극받은 석지원(주지훈 분)과 윤지원(정유미 분)의 한 지붕 원수 동거가 그려졌다. 투지원은 함께 장을 보던 중 과거 추억담과 폭로전을 시작으로 식성과 취향까지 기억하며 설렘을 폭발시켰다. 


특히 석지원은 남다른 요리 솜씨로 윤재호(김갑수 분)의 환심을 사는 공문수(이시우 분)에게 질투심을 드러냈고, “난 7살 연상도 연하도 딱 좋던데? 동갑만 아니면 돼요”라는 윤지원의 발언에 결국 폭발했다. 건설사 전무의 능력을 발휘해 낡은 사택의 기물을 뜯어고치며 어른 남자의 매력을 뽐내자, 공문수마저 경쟁심을 불태우는 등 두 남자의 신경전이 시청자의 미소를 자아냈다.


이와 함께 윤지원은 석지원과 함께하는 시간이 길어지면서 그에게 깊게 스며들었다. 급기야 윤지원은 한바탕 말다툼 이후 웃으며 사라지는 석지원을 몰래 지켜보던 중 “웃어? 내가 어이가 없어서”라며 자신도 모르게 절로 미소를 지은 것도 잠시 곧바로 “내가 왜 웃지? 미쳤나 봐”라며 당황한 표정을 지어 웃음을 자아냈다.


그 와중에 윤재호와 석경태(이병준 분)가 부딪히는 사건이 발생했다. 윤재호가 골프장 건설을 막고자 마을 주민을 모았고, 이를 석경태가 방해한 것. 급기야 술에 취한 석경태가 싸움을 말리러 온 윤지원에게 막말을 쏟아내자, 분노를 참지 못한 윤재호가 주먹을 휘둘렀고 급기야 이를 말리던 석지원이 아버지 대신 얻어맞는 불상사가 발생해 긴장감을 고조시켰다.


이후 두 집안싸움은 일단락됐지만 석지원과 윤지원 사이는 또다시 냉랭해졌다. 석지원은 원망을 내비치는 윤지원에게 “세상일이란 게 그렇더군요. 18년 전 우리도 정말 쉽고 간단하게 무너졌잖아요. 일부러 그런 게 아니어도 어쩔 수 없는 상황이 있었어도 무너진 쪽은 죽을 만큼 아프고 힘든 겁니다. 그래서 이렇게 긴 세월이 흘렀어도 무너진 걸 아무리 다시 쌓고 고쳤어도 치졸한 복수심을 버릴 수 없는 거겠죠“라고 과거의 상처를 떠올려 안타까움을 자아냈다.


그렇게 멀어질 듯 아슬아슬했던 두 사람 사이에 불꽃을 피우는 뜻밖의 반전이 펼쳐졌다. 석지원이 우연히 윤지원의 다락방에서 18년 전 비밀 연애 시절의 추억이 담긴 상자를 발견한 것.


이후 마음이 심란해진 석지원은 커플 사진을 내밀며 “왜 이런 걸 여태 가지고 있습니까?”라고 물었고, 이에 당황한 윤지원은 “갖고 있었던 게 아니고 버리는 걸 잊은 거예요”라는 변명과 함께 석지원 앞에서 사진을 구기며 감정을 숨겼다. 이와 함께 윤지원이 애틋하게 보관하고 있던 옛날 휴대전화를 충전하면서 또 다른 반전을 예고해 흥미진진한 전개를 이어갔다.


더욱이 극 말미 윤지원이 심한 몸살에 걸린 석지원을 병간호하면서 묘한 긴장감이 형성됐다. 윤지원은 뾰로통한 말과 달리 석지원의 곁을 지켰고, 때마침 석지원은 과거 윤지원의 집 앞에서 밤을 지새웠던 날을 꿈꾸며 안타까움을 더했다. 


급기야 몽롱한 상태의 석지원은 눈앞의 윤지원을 보자 북받치는 감정에 “정말 윤지원이구나”라고 혼잣말하더니 이끌리듯 윤지원에게 입을 맞추며 뜨거운 꿈결 키스 엔딩을 선사했다. 윤지원 또한 제 손을 굳게 잡은 석지원의 달뜬 표정과 눈물이 가득 고인 두 눈에 마음이 사정없이 흔들려 투지원에게 또 한 번의 전환점이 예고된 다음 화를 향한 기대감을 폭발시켰다.


한편, 원수의 집안에서 같은 날 같은 이름으로 태어난 남자 석지원과 여자 윤지원. 열여덟의 여름 아픈 이별 후, 18년 만에 재회한 철천지원수들의 전쟁 같은 로맨스를 그린 tvN ‘사랑은 외나무다리에서’ 6화는 8일 밤 9시 20분에 방송한다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


‘Love on a Single Plank Bridge’ Joo Ji-hoon and Jung Yu-mi, dreamy kiss ending.. breathtaking tension heightens


A romance like a war between mortal enemies, episode 6 to air at 9:20 p.m. on the 8th



Break News reporter Park Dong-je = tvN ‘Love on a Single Plank Bridge’ side stated on the 8th, “Actors Joo Ji-hoon and Jung Yu-mi shared a dreamy kiss full of passion, heightening the breathtaking tension of the home theater.”


Episode 5 of tvN’s ‘Love on a Single Plank Bridge’ (directed by Park Joon-hwa and Bae Hee-young/written by Im Ye-jin/planned by Studio Dragon/produced by Studio Dragon Blitzway Production), which aired on the 7th, depicted the cohabitation of Seok Ji-won (played by Joo Ji-hoon) and Yoon Ji-won (played by Jung Yu-mi), who were stimulated by the statement, “It’s only been a 3-month relationship.” While shopping together, To Ji-won started a story of past memories and a war of revelations, and even remembered their eating habits and tastes, causing excitement.


In particular, Seok Ji-won showed jealousy toward Gong Moon-soo (played by Lee Si-woo), who was winning Yoon Jae-ho's (played by Kim Kap-soo) favor with his extraordinary cooking skills, and eventually exploded at Yoon Ji-won's comment, "I like both 7 years older and younger. As long as they're not the same age, I don't care." As he showed off his charm as a grown man by using his skills as an executive director of a construction company to repair the furniture in an old house, even Gong Moon-soo became competitive, and the war of nerves between the two men brought laughter to viewers.


In addition, as Yoon Ji-won spent more time with Seok Ji-won, she became deeply absorbed in him. Eventually, after a heated argument, Yoon Ji-won secretly watched Seok Ji-won disappear with a smile, and smiled without realizing it, saying, "Are you laughing? I'm so dumbfounded," but then immediately made a bewildered expression and made everyone laugh, saying, "Why am I laughing? I guess I'm crazy."


In the meantime, an incident occurred where Yoon Jae-ho and Seok Kyung-tae (played by Lee Byung-joon) clashed. Yoon Jae-ho gathered the villagers to stop the construction of the golf course, and Seok Kyung-tae interfered. When Seok Kyung-tae, drunk, finally swung his fist at Yoon Ji-won, who came to break up the fight, Yoon Jae-ho, unable to control his anger, swung his fist, and Seok Ji-won, who was trying to stop him, ended up getting hit instead of his father, which heightened the tension.


After that, the fight between the two families ended, but the relationship between Seok Ji-won and Yoon Ji-won became cold again. Seok Ji-won said to Yoon Ji-won, who was expressing resentment, “That’s how things are in this world. We fell apart so easily and simply 18 years ago. Even if it wasn’t intentional or there were unavoidable circumstances, the one who fell apart was in so much pain and suffering that it was enough to kill them. That’s why even after so much time has passed and no matter how much you rebuild and fix what was broken, you can’t let go of your petty desire for revenge.” He brought up the wounds of the past and made people feel sorry for him.


An unexpected twist unfolded that lit up the fire between the two who seemed to be drifting apart. Seok Ji-won accidentally found a box containing memories of their secret love affair 18 years ago in Yoon Ji-won’s attic.


After that, Seok Ji-won, who was upset, held out a couple photo and asked, “Why do you still have this?” Yoon Ji-won, who was embarrassed, made an excuse saying, “I didn’t have it, I just forgot to throw it away,” and hid her feelings by crumpling the photo in front of Seok Ji-won. Along with this, Yoon Ji-won continued the exciting development by foreshadowing another twist while charging an old cell phone that she had been lovingly keeping.


Furthermore, a strange tension was created at the end of the drama when Yoon Ji-won nursed Seok Ji-won, who had a severe cold. Contrary to her sharp words, Yoon Ji-won stayed by Seok Ji-won’s side, and at that moment, Seok Ji-won dreamed of the day she spent the night in front of Yoon Ji-won’s house, adding to the pity.


Finally, Seok Ji-won, who was in a daze, saw Yoon Ji-won in front of him and said to himself, “It’s really Yoon Ji-won,” as if he was being led by her, and kissed her, giving her a hot dreamy kiss ending. Yoon Ji-won also held her hand tightly and saw Seok Ji-won’s excited expression and her eyes filled with tears, causing her heart to shake without mercy, foreshadowing another turning point for To Ji-won, and she exploded with anticipation for the next episode. Meanwhile, Seok Ji-won and Yoon Ji-won, a man born on the same day and with the same name in the families of enemies. Episode 6 of tvN’s “Love on a Single-Log Bridge,” which depicts the war-like romance of mortal enemies who reunite after a painful breakup in the summer of their eighteenth years, will air on the 8th at 9:20 p.m.





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