
민주 박선원 의원 , 12.3 친위쿠데타 관련 계엄군 내부 동향과 임무 등 대한 제보 내용 밝혀..,

707 특임단, 제 1·3 공수특전여단, 군사경찰특임대 (SDT) 등 계엄군 국회 불법 난입, 실탄 · 샷건 · 기관단총 지급은 물론 저격수들까지 배치됐던 것으로 알려져..,

박상도 기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/04 [14:56]


▲ 더불어민주당 박선원 국회의원(국회 접보위 간사/국방위원, 인천 부평을) (C)박상도 기자

(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 더불어민주당 박선원 의원 (국회 정보위 간사 / 국방위원 ) 은 “불법적인 12.3 친위 쿠데타와 관련하여 참여했던 장병들로부터 여러 제보가 접수되고 있다” 며 , 계엄군 내부 동향과 임무 등에 대한 제보 내용을 밝혔다 .


박선원 의원에 따르면, 계엄군으로 출동했던 707 특임단 등에겐 12 월 2 일 부터 출동대기 명령이 떨어졌다고 한다. 제보에 따르면 당시 외부훈련이 모두 취소되고 , 주둔지 대기명령이 하달됐다 .


12 월 3 일 낮엔 합동훈련과 전술평가가 모두 취소됐다. 이어 사실상 계엄군으로 출동하기 위한 출동 군장검사 등의 준비가 시작됐다고 전해진다 .


박선원 의원은 “계엄군으로 투입된 707 특수임무단은 계엄령이 발표된 22:30 분에 바로 휴대전화 회수가 이뤄졌다 ” 며, “ 계엄령 발표 직후 실탄도 지급된 것으로 추정된다” 고 말했다 .


이어 “ 707 특수임무단은 샷건, 소총, 기관단총, 야간투시경, 통로개척장비 등을 갖췄으며, 저격수들도 배치됐다 ” 고 강조했다 .


더 나아가 , 계엄령 발표 이전인 20 시 경부터 707 특수임무단 단원들에게 문자메시지 등을 통해 실제출동 예고와 대기명령이 하달된 상태였다고 한다 . 이러한 준비를 거쳤기에 계엄령 발표 1 시간 만에 , 계엄군이 헬기를 통해 국회로 출동할 수 있었던 것이다 .


끝으로, 국회에 불법 난입한 계엄군에겐 부대별로 체계적 명령이 하달된 것으로 전해진다.


박선원 의원은 “707 특수임무단은 국회본청 진입과 요인체포 · 본회의 해산을 , 제 1 공수특전여단은 707 특임단 국회 본청 진입시 외곽 경계 임무를 , 제 3 공수특전여단은 전시 계엄지휘소로 예정되어 있는 과천 B-1 벙커 경계를 , 특전사 특수작전항공단은 UH-60P 특수작전용 헬기를 통해 병력수송을 수도방위사령부 군사경찰특임대 (SDT) 은 요인 체포조 또는 예비대로 운용했을 것 ” 이라고 설명했다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated by Google Translate. Google Translate is working to improve comprehension. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Democratic Party Rep. Park Seon-won reveals the details of the report regarding the internal trends and missions of the martial law forces related to the December 3rd coup d'?tat..,

It is known that the martial law forces, including the 707th Special Forces Group, the 1st and 3rd Airborne Special Forces Brigades, and the Military Police Special Forces (SDT), illegally entered the National Assembly, and were provided with live ammunition, shotguns, and machine guns, and even snipers were deployed..,

-Break News Incheon Park Sang-do reporter


Democratic Party Rep. Park Seon-won (National Assembly Intelligence Committee Secretary/National Defense Committee Member) said, “We are receiving several reports from soldiers who participated in the illegal December 3rd coup d'?tat,” and revealed the details of the report regarding the internal trends and missions of the martial law forces.


According to Rep. Park Seon-won, the 707 Special Mission Group, which had been deployed as martial law forces, was ordered to stand by starting on December 2. According to reports, all external training was canceled at that time, and a standby order was issued at the garrison.


During the afternoon of December 3, joint training and tactical evaluations were all canceled. It is reported that preparations for deployment as martial law forces, such as inspections of military equipment, began.


Rep. Park Seon-won said, “The 707 Special Mission Group, which had been deployed as martial law forces, had their cell phones retrieved at 22:30 when martial law was announced,” and “It is presumed that they were also given live ammunition immediately after martial law was announced.”


He continued, “The 707 Special Mission Group is equipped with shotguns, rifles, submachine guns, night vision goggles, and passage-clearing equipment, and snipers have also been deployed.”


Furthermore, it is said that the 707th Special Mission Group members were given text messages and other instructions to be on standby prior to the declaration of martial law at around 8 p.m. Thanks to these preparations, the martial law troops were able to arrive at the National Assembly via helicopter just one hour after the declaration of martial law.


Finally, it is said that systematic orders were given to each unit of the martial law troops who illegally entered the National Assembly.


Rep. Park Sun-won explained, “The 707th Special Mission Group was in charge of entering the National Assembly building, arresting key figures, and disbanding the plenary session; the 1st Airborne Special Forces Brigade was in charge of outer security when the 707th Special Mission Group entered the National Assembly building; the 3rd Airborne Special Forces Brigade was in charge of guarding the B-1 bunker in Gwacheon, which is scheduled to be a martial law command center in wartime; the Special Operations Aviation Group of the Special Warfare Command transported troops using UH-60P special operation helicopters; and the Capital Defense Command’s Military Police Special Task Force (SDT) would have operated a key arrest team or reserve force.”


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