전현희 의원(더불어민주당 최고위원, 서울 중성동갑, 전 권익위원장)은 “공정성과 독립성, 정치적 중립성을 망각한 윤석열 정권 감사원의 이중잣대와 내로남불 행태를 지적하고, 권익위 감사결과와 관련해 아직도 허위사실을 유포하는 감사원에 대한 강력한 법적 대응 경고와 함께 정확한 사실관계를 알려 드린다”며, “전현희 전 권익위원장에 대한 개인 비위의혹에 대한 최종 감사결과는 감사원 최고 의결기구인 감사위원회에서 모두 무혐의성 불문 결정이 났음에도 불구하고, 어제 최달영 감사원 사무총장은 마치 일부 비위 혐의가 인정된 듯이 억지 주장을 했다”고 밝혔다.
감사원법 위반, 감사 사주
전현히 의원은 3일 오후 국회 소통관에서 기자회견을 통해 이같이 밝히며, “당시 권익위 감사를 주도한 유병호 감사원 사무총장은 <권익위원장에 대한 권익위 고위관계자의 묵과할 수 없는 제보가 있었다, 국회에서 감사를 요청했다>며, 이례적으로 권익위원장에 대한 표적감사에 돌입했다”고 반발했다.
위계에 의한 공무집행방해죄 위반, 증거 조작
전현희 의원은 “권익위 감사 당시 유병호 감사원 사무총장은, 본인의 행시동기인 권익위 고위관계자가 내부제보자라는 사실을 숨기고, 이 제보자를 추미애 전 장관 이해충돌 유권해석 감사사안과 관련하여 마치 객관적 제3자인 양 증인으로 둔갑시키는 증거조작을 하여 감사원과 수사기관의 공무를 방해했다”며, “해당 제보자는 국회에서도 본인이 제보자가 아니라고 위증하여, 정무위에서 국회증감법상 위증혐의로 고발 조치한 바 있다”고 밝혔다.
감사위원회, 전현희 권익위원장의 모든 개인 비위 의혹에 대해 최종 불문(무혐의) 결정
전 의원은 “감사원 최고의결기구인 감사위원회는 전현희 권익위원장에 대한 제보사항을 감사한 감사원사무처의 감사결과를 심의‧의결하고, 최종적으로 <전현희 위원장에 대한 모든 개인비위 의혹들이 아무런 위법‧부당함이 없다>는 최종 불문(무혐의) 결정을 내렸다”고 밝혔다.
공문서위조 및 공전자기록 위조, 감사원사무처의 최종 감사결과보고서 전산 조작
그는 “감사원 사무처는 법적으로 전현희 권익위원장에 관한 감사위원회의 최종 불문(무혐의) 결정내용을 수용하고 그대로 공개해야 한다”며, “그러나 감사원 사무처는 최종 결과보고서를 일부 수정‧조작하여 그 내용을 감사위원들이 동의하지 않자, 최달영 당시 기조실장이 아이디어를 내고, 최재해 감사원장의 승인하에 주심 감사 설명했다.”고 강조했다.
이어 “최종 열람결재를 패싱할 수 있도록 전산을 조작하여 감사위원의 최종 열람결재 없는 감사결과보고서를 대외적으로 공표했다”며, “이는 합의부 판사들의 서명날인 없이, 법원 주사가 판결문을 수정하는 것과 같은 공문서위조죄에 해당하는 범죄이고, 당연무효인 감사결과보고서 공표에 해당한다”고 목소리를 높였다.
감사원법 및 직권남용 위반: 감사위원회 의결 없는 수사 요청의 위법성
감사원은 감사결과를 수사기관에 고발할 때 감사위원회 의결을 의무적으로 거쳐야 한다. 예외적으로 증거인멸이나 도주 우려가 있는 경우에 한해 감사위원회 의결을 생략하고 수사요청할 수 있다. (감사원 감사사무 처리규칙 제65조제1항).
전현희 의원은 “감사원 사무처는 전현희 전 권익위원장에게 도주나 증거인멸의 우려가 전혀 없었고, 감사결과에 대해 감사위원회의 최종의결도 없는 상황에서 권익위원장의 추미애 장관의 이해충돌 여부 유권해석 등에 관한 감사결과를 감사위원회의 의결을 거치지 않은 채 대검에 수사요청했다”며, “이는 감사원법상 규정된 감사위원회 의결을 생략할 수 있는 아무런 법적근거와 정당성이 없는 감사원법을 위반한 불법한 수사요청이다. 또한 법률상 의무없는 불법적 수사를 요청하게 한 감사원사무처의 직권남용이다”고 직격 비판했다.
전 의원은 “감사원이 감사위원회의 의결로 전현희 권익위원장에 대한 모든 혐의가 불문(무혐의) 조치된 사안에 대해 감사위원회 의결을 패싱하고, 최종 무혐의라는 결정에 반한 내용을 대검에 수사 요청한 것은 명백한 무고죄가 성립하는 범죄이다”며, “최재해 감사원장과 감사원사무처는 전 정부에 대한 억지‧보복 감사와 실패한 불법 표적감사에 대해 대국민 사과를 해야 함에도 불구하고, 오히려 자신들의 책임을 회피하려는 물타기를 하며 반발하고 있다”고 날선 비판을 했다.
전현희 의원은 “윤석열-김건희 대통령 부부를 지키기 위해 ‘대통령 국정운영 지원기관’을 자처하며 정권에 충성하고, 감사원의 중립성과 독립성을 무너뜨린 것은 최재해 감사원장을 비롯한 감사원 수뇌부들이다”며, “국회가 감사원장으로서의 헌법상 책임을 방기한 최재해 감사원장의 위헌‧위법을 지적하고, 탄핵하는 것이야말로 감사원을 정권의 감사원이 아닌 국민의 감사원으로 바로 세우는 길이다. 민주당은 국민의 뜻을 받들어 흔들림 없이 감사원장 탄핵을 추진하겠다“고 밝혔다. hpf21@naver.com
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Rep. Jeon Hyun-hee: “The Board of Audit and Inspection’s politically targeted audit of former Kwon Ik-sik is illegal… Promoting the impeachment of the Board of Audit and Inspection”
The Board of Audit and Inspection’s final audit results report was manipulated on the computer… It must be made public
Rep. Jeon Hyun-hee (Supreme Member of the Democratic Party of Korea, Jungseong-dong Gap, Seoul, former Kwon Ik-sik Chairperson) said, “I point out the double standards and hypocrisy of the Board of Audit and Inspection under the Yoon Seok-yeol administration, which has forgotten fairness, independence, and political neutrality, and I warn the Board of Audit and Inspection, which is still spreading false information regarding the audit results of the Kwon Ik-sik Committee, of strong legal action and inform you of the exact facts,” and “Despite the fact that the final audit results on the suspicions of personal misconduct against former Kwon Ik-sik Chairperson Jeon Hyun-hee were all decided not to be guilty by the Audit and Inspection Committee, the highest decision-making body of the Board of Audit and Inspection, yesterday, the Secretary General of the Board of Audit and Inspection Choi Dal-young made an unreasonable claim as if some of the allegations of misconduct had been acknowledged.”
Violation of the Board of Audit and Inspection Act, Audit Instigation
On the afternoon of the 3rd, Rep. Jeon Hyeon-hee made this announcement at a press conference at the National Assembly Communication Center, and said, “At that time, the Secretary General of the Board of Audit and Inspection, Yoo Byung-ho, who led the audit of the Kwon Ik-wi Committee, said, “There was an unacceptable tip from a high-ranking official of the Kwon Ik-wi Committee about the chairman of the Kwon Ik-wi Committee, and the National Assembly requested an audit,” and began an unusually targeted audit of the chairman of the Kwon Ik-wi Committee.”
Violation of the crime of obstruction of official duties by hierarchy, fabrication of evidence
Rep. Jeon Hyun-hee stated, “During the audit of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, the Secretary General of the Board of Audit and Inspection, Yoo Byung-ho, hid the fact that a high-ranking official of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, who was his peer, was an internal whistleblower, and fabricated evidence by disguising the whistleblower as an objective third party witness in relation to the audit of the conflict of interest of former Minister Choo Mi-ae, thereby obstructing the official duties of the Board of Audit and Inspection and the investigative agency.” She added, “The whistleblower also gave false testimony in the National Assembly, saying that he was not the whistleblower, and the Political Affairs Committee filed a complaint under the National Assembly Act on false testimony.”
The Board of Audit and Inspection, the Audit and Inspection Committee, has made a final decision of no charges regarding all allegations of personal misconduct against Chairman Jeon Hyun-hee.
Rep. Jeon stated, “The Board of Audit and Inspection, the highest decision-making body of the Board of Audit and Inspection, deliberated and voted on the audit results of the Board of Audit and Inspection Office, which audited the reports against Chairman Jeon Hyun-hee, and ultimately made a final decision of no charges, stating that <there is no illegality or unfairness in all allegations of personal misconduct against Chairman Jeon Hyun-hee>.” =
Forgery of official documents and forgery of electronic records, manipulation of the final audit results report by the Board of Audit and Inspection Office
He emphasized, “The Board of Audit and Inspection Office must legally accept the final decision of the Audit Committee regarding Chairman Jeon Hyeon-hee of the Board of Audit and Inspection (not guilty) and disclose it as is,” and “However, the Board of Audit and Inspection Office partially modified and manipulated the final results report, and when the audit committee members did not agree with the content, then-Director of the Planning and Coordination Office Choi Dal-young came up with the idea and explained the audit to the chief auditor with the approval of the Board of Audit and Inspection Chairman Choi Jae-hae.”
He continued, “They manipulated the computer system to bypass the final inspection and approval, and publicly announced the audit results report without the final inspection and approval of the audit committee members,” and “This is a crime equivalent to forgery of official documents, such as a court clerk modifying a verdict without the signature and stamp of the judges of the collegiate panel, and it is equivalent to publishing the audit results report, which is automatically invalid.”
Violation of the Board of Audit and Inspection Act and Abuse of Power: Illegality of Request for Investigation without Audit Committee Resolution
When reporting audit results to investigative agencies, the Board of Audit and Inspection must obtain the Audit Committee’s resolution. In exceptional cases, the Board of Audit and Inspection may request an investigation without the Audit Committee’s resolution only in cases where there is a risk of destruction of evidence or flight. (Article 65, Paragraph 1 of the Board of Audit and Inspection Audit Affairs Processing Rules).
Rep. Jeon Hyun-hee said, “The Board of Audit and Inspection Secretariat requested the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office to investigate the audit results regarding the conflict of interest of former Chairperson Jeon Hyun-hee, including the interpretation of the conflict of interest of Minister Choo Mi-ae, without the Audit Committee’s resolution, when there was absolutely no risk of flight or destruction of evidence and the Audit Committee’s final resolution on the audit results had not been made.” “This is an illegal investigation request that violates the Board of Audit and Inspection Act, which has no legal basis or legitimacy for omitting the Audit Committee’s resolution as stipulated in the Board of Audit and Inspection Act. He also directly criticized, saying, “It is an abuse of power by the Board of Audit and Inspection to request an illegal investigation without legal obligation.”
Former lawmaker Jeon said, “The Board of Audit and Inspection passed the decision of the Audit and Inspection Committee on a case where all charges against Commissioner Jeon Hyun-hee were dismissed (not guilty) by the decision of the Audit and Inspection Committee and requested the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office to investigate matters that went against the final decision of not guilty, which is a clear crime that constitutes false accusation.” He also sharply criticized, saying, “Chairman Choi Jae-hae of the Board of Audit and Inspection and the Board of Audit and Inspection should apologize to the public for the forced and retaliatory audit of the former government and the failed illegal targeted audit, but instead, they are trying to evade their responsibility and opposing it.”
Rep. Jeon Hyun-hee said, “In order to protect President Yoon Seok-yeol and President Kim Kun-hee, the leaders of the Board of Audit and Inspection, including Chairman Choi Jae-hae, are loyal to the regime by calling themselves an ‘organization to support the president’s state administration’ and have destroyed the neutrality and independence of the Board of Audit and Inspection.” She added, “The National Assembly should point out the unconstitutionality and illegality of Chairman Choi Jae-hae, who has neglected his constitutional responsibility as the Chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection, and impeach him. This is the way to establish the Board of Audit and Inspection as the Board of Audit and Inspection of the people, not the Board of Audit and Inspection of the regime. The Democratic Party will unwaveringly pursue the impeachment of the Chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection in accordance with the will of the people.” hpf21@naver.com