브레이크뉴스 문홍철 기자= 대내외 경제여건이 어려운 가운데 지정학적 리스크 확대, 보호무역주의 강화 등 불확실성이 가중되면서, 대기업 10곳 중 7곳은 내년 투자 계획이 없거나 아직 수립하지 못한 것으로 나타났다.
투자 계획을 수립한 기업들도 투자를 ‘줄이겠다’는 응답이 많아 내년 국내 투자가 다소 위축될 것으로 전망됐다.
3일 한국경제인협회에 따르면 여론조사기관 모노리서치에 의뢰해 매출액 500대 기업을 대상으로 ‘2025년 500대 기업 투자계획 조사’를 실시한 결과, 68.0%는 내년도 투자계획을 아직 수립하지 못했(56.6%)거나 투자계획이 없다(11.4%)고 응답했다. 계획을 수립했다는 응답은 32.0%였다.
‘계획 미정’(56.6%) 기업 비중은 지난해 조사(49.7%) 때보다 6.9%p 늘었고, ‘계획 없음’(11.4%)도 지난해(5.3%) 대비 6.1%p 증가했다.
투자계획이 미정인 기업(56.6%)들은 계획을 수립하지 못한 이유로 △조직개편·인사이동(37.7%) △대내외 리스크 영향 파악 우선(27.5%) △내년 국내외 경제전망 불투명(20.3%) 등을 꼽았다.
투자계획을 수립한 기업(32.0%)을 대상으로 2025년 투자계획 규모를 묻는 질문에는 59.0%가 올해와 ‘비슷한 수준’이라고 답했으며, 올해보다 ‘감소’할 것이란 응답(28.2%)이 ‘증가’ 응답(12.8%)을 상회했다. 지난해 같은 질문에서는 ‘증가’(28.8%) 응답이 ‘감소’(10.2%) 응답보다 많았다.
투자 규모를 줄일 계획이거나, 투자계획이 없는 기업들은 그 이유로 △2025년 국내외 경제전망 부정적(33.3%) △국내 투자환경 악화(상법 등 지배구조 규제 강화 등, 20.0%) △내수시장 위축 전망(16.0%) 등을 지목했다.
아울러 응답기업의 77.8%는 내년 자사의 설비투자가 ‘기존 설비를 유지·개보수하는 수준’에 머물 것이라고 전망했다. ‘적극적으로 설비를 늘리겠다’는 응답은 18.9%에 그쳤다.
한편, 국내 투자를 저해하는 가장 큰 애로 사항은 △설비·R&D투자에 대한 세금·보조금 등 지원 부족(37.4%) △ESG(상법 등 지배구조, 환경, 사회) 관련 규제(21.3%) △설비투자 신·증축 관련 규제(입지규제, 인허가 지연 등, 15.0%)이 주된 애로 요인이라고 답했다.
국내 투자 환경 개선을 위해 우선적으로 추진해야 할 정책으로는 △자금조달 등 금융지원 확대(21.0%) △법인세 감세·투자 공제 등 세제지원 강화(16.9%) △지배구조 및 투자 관련 규제 완화(15.3%) 등을 꼽았다.
이상호 한경협 경제산업본부장은 “과거 경제가 어려울 때마다 기업 투자가 위기 극복의 열쇠가 돼 왔는데, 최근 기업들은 투자 확대의 동력을 좀처럼 얻지 못하고 있다”며 “기업들이 투자계획을 조속히 수립할 수 있도록 경영 불확실성을 크게 가중시키는 상법 개정 논의를 지양하고, 금융‧세제지원 등 과감한 인센티브로 적극적인 투자를 유인할 필요가 있다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
68% of large companies with ‘negative domestic and international economic outlook’: “No investment plans or undecided for next year”
Amid difficult domestic and international economic conditions, geopolitical risks are increasing, and uncertainty is increasing due to increased protectionism, etc., and 7 out of 10 large companies have no investment plans for next year or have not yet established them.
Many companies that have established investment plans also responded that they will ‘reduce’ their investments, so domestic investment is expected to shrink somewhat next year.
According to the Korea Economic Association on the 3rd, the polling agency Monoresearch conducted a ‘2025 Investment Plan Survey for the Top 500 Companies’ targeting the top 500 companies in terms of sales, and 68.0% responded that they have not established investment plans for next year (56.6%) or do not have investment plans (11.4%). 32.0% responded that they have established plans.
The proportion of companies with ‘undecided plans’ (56.6%) increased by 6.9%p from last year’s survey (49.7%), and ‘no plans’ (11.4%) also increased by 6.1%p from last year (5.3%).
Companies with undecided investment plans (56.6%) cited the following as reasons for not establishing plans: △organizational reorganization/personnel transfers (37.7%) △priority on understanding the impact of domestic and foreign risks (27.5%) △uncertain domestic and international economic outlook for next year (20.3%).
When asked about the scale of investment plans for 2025 among companies that have established investment plans (32.0%), 59.0% responded that it would be ‘similar’ to this year, and the number of responses that it would ‘decrease’ compared to this year (28.2%) exceeded the number of responses that it would ‘increase’ (12.8%). In the same question last year, the number of responses that it would ‘increase’ (28.8%) was higher than the number that it would ‘decrease’ (10.2%).
Companies that plan to reduce their investment scale or have no investment plan cited the following as the reasons: △ Negative domestic and international economic outlook for 2025 (33.3%), △ Deterioration of the domestic investment environment (strengthening of corporate governance regulations such as the Commercial Act, etc., 20.0%), and △ Prospects of a shrinking domestic market (16.0%).
In addition, 77.8% of the responding companies predicted that their facility investment next year would remain at the level of ‘maintaining and renovating existing facilities.’ Only 18.9% responded that they would ‘actively increase facilities.’
Meanwhile, the biggest obstacles hindering domestic investment were △ Lack of support such as taxes and subsidies for facility and R&D investment (37.4%), △ ESG (corporate governance, environment, society)-related regulations (21.3%), and △ Regulations related to new and expanded facility investment (location regulations, delays in permits, etc., 15.0%).
The policies that should be prioritized for improving the domestic investment environment include: △Expansion of financial support such as fund procurement (21.0%), △Strengthening tax support such as corporate tax cuts and investment deductions (16.9%), and △Relaxation of regulations related to governance and investment (15.3%).
Lee Sang-ho, head of the Economic and Industrial Headquarters of the Korea Economic Council, said, “In the past, whenever the economy was difficult, corporate investment was the key to overcoming the crisis, but recently, companies have been having difficulty gaining the momentum to expand investment.” He added, “In order for companies to quickly establish investment plans, we need to refrain from discussing revisions to the Commercial Act that greatly increase management uncertainty, and instead actively induce investment with bold incentives such as financial and tax support.”