
대통령실 "국가안보·국민안전 보루 핵심 국가기반시설 위협 원천 차단"

왕윤종 국가안보실 제3차장 주재, 국가 핵심 인프라 관리 및 보호 업무 관련 국정원·과학기술정보통신부·외교부·국방부·산업통상자원부 등 13개 기관 참석

김기홍 기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/02 [17:31]

▲ 윤석열 정부 용산 대통령실 청사     ©뉴시스


대통령실이 2일 왕윤종 국가안보실 제3차장 주재로 '범정부 핵심 인프라 보안 협의회 2024 하반기 전체회의'를 국가정보원에서 개최했다고 밝혔다. 


이날 회의엔 국가 핵심 인프라 관리 및 보호 업무와 관련된 국정원·과학기술정보통신부·외교부·국방부·행정안전부·산업통상자원부·환경부·국토교통부·해양수산부·금융위원회·방송통신위원회·조달청·관세청 등 13개 기관이 참석했다.


'범정부 핵심 인프라 보안 협의회'는 대통령실·유관 기관들이 국가적 차원 핵심 인프라를 식별·통합 관리하고 각종 안보위협 대응에 기관 간 활발한 정보공유·공조 추진 목표로 지난 5월 출범했다.


회의에선 해상 풍력시설 안보 위협 및 대응·드론 공급망 위기 대응 및 보안성 확보 방안·해저 통신케이블 안전·보안 강화 계획·공공부문 보안장비 조달 가이드 마련 등이 안건으로 논의됐다.


핵심 인프라를 관리하는 국가·공공기관이 감시·출입 통제 장비 구매 시 보안 취약 요인을 확인·평가하는 절차를 마련토록 했다.


해상 풍력발전 진흥을 위해 추진되고 있는 특별법 제정 진행상황을 살펴보고 해당 수역내 군 경계업무와의 조화 문제가 협의됐다.


공공·민간 각 분야에서 크게 성장할 것으로 예상되는 드론 산업 관련해 과도한 대외 의존도와 산업·안보 측면에서의 우려사항 관련 대응방안도 논의됐다. 


또 국제 정보통신 데이터 수요 급증으로 안보적 중요성이 높아지고 있는 해저 통신케이블 안전 및 보안 문제도 협의됐다.


대통령실은 "앞으로도 '범정부 핵심 인프라 보안 협의회'를 충실히 운영해 국가 안보·국민 안전 보루인 국가 기반시설에 대한 위협 요인을 원천 차단해 나가겠다"고 전했다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


Office of the President: "Blocking Threats to Key National Infrastructure, the Bastion of National Security and Public Safety"

Presided by Wang Yun-jong, 3rd Deputy Director of the National Security Office, attended by 13 organizations including the National Intelligence Service, Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Defense, and Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, related to the management and protection of key national infrastructure

-kihong Kim reporter


The Office of the President announced on the 2nd that it held the 'Pan-Government Core Infrastructure Security Council 2nd Half 2024 General Meeting' at the National Intelligence Service, presided over by Wang Yun-jong, 3rd Deputy Director of the National Security Office.


The meeting was attended by 13 organizations related to the management and protection of national core infrastructure, including the National Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, the Financial Services Commission, the Korea Communications Commission, the Public Procurement Service, and the Korea Customs Service.


The 'Pan-Government Core Infrastructure Security Council' was launched in May with the goal of identifying and integrating national-level core infrastructure and promoting active information sharing and cooperation among organizations to respond to various security threats by the Office of the President and related organizations.


The agenda items discussed at the meeting included offshore wind power facility security threats and responses, drone supply chain crisis response and security assurance plans, submarine communication cable safety and security enhancement plans, and the establishment of a public sector security equipment procurement guide.


It was decided to establish a procedure for national and public institutions managing core infrastructure to identify and evaluate security vulnerabilities when purchasing surveillance and access control equipment.


The progress of the enactment of the special law being promoted for the promotion of offshore wind power generation was reviewed, and the issue of coordination with military security operations in the relevant waters was discussed.


In relation to the drone industry, which is expected to grow significantly in each public and private sector, response measures were also discussed regarding excessive external dependence and concerns in terms of industry and security.


In addition, the safety and security of submarine communication cables, which are becoming increasingly important in terms of security due to the rapid increase in demand for international information and communication data, were discussed.


The Office of the President said, "We will continue to faithfully operate the 'Pan-Government Core Infrastructure Security Council' to block threats to national infrastructure, which is a bulwark of national security and public safety."


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