윤석열 대통령이 2일 "배달 수수료를 영세 가게 중심으로 3년간 30% 이상 줄이고 모든 전통시장은 0%를 적용하겠다"며 소상공인·자영업자 지원 방안을 밝혔다.
윤 대통령은 이날 오후 충남 공주시 아트센터 고마에서 열린 국정 후반기 첫 번째 및 30번 째 '국민과 함께하는 민생토론회'를 주재하고 "상생협의체를 통해 현행 5~14% 수준인 모바일상품권 수수료를 일정 수준 낮추고 긴 정산 주기를 단축하는 상생 방안을 연내 마련하겠다"며 이같이 말했다. '소상공인·자영업자 회복과 도약'은 윤 대통령 제1호 국정과제다.
이어 "소상공인이 한국 전체 기업 95%, 고용 46%를 차지하는 우리 경제 근간이자 버팀목"이라며 "소상공인·자영업자가 활력을 찾고 힘차게 일할 수 있어야 양극화 타개 길이 보인다"고 말했다.
그러면서 "내년 전용 예산을 5조9000억 규모로 편성했고, 정부로 하여금 전향적 내수·소비 진작 대책을 강구해 소상공인·자영업자가 더 힘낼 수 있도록 하겠다"고 밝혔다.
또 "노쇼(No show·예약 부도)·악성리뷰 및 댓글·손님 변심에 의한 일회용품 과태료 부과·불법 광고 대행 등 소상공인 생업 관련 온·오프라인 4대 피해 구제에도 만전을 기하겠다"며 "피해가 연간 4조5000억에 달하는 현실 등을 감안해 소비자·판매자 모두 공감하는 예약보증금제를 마련하고 소비자 분쟁 해결 기준을 제시하겠다"고 밝혔다.
매장 내 일회용품 사용금지를 성실히 고지한 사업자에 대해 손님 변심으로 일회용품을 매장 안에서 사용하다 단속되더라도 과태료 부과를 면제할 수 있도록 신속 조치할 계획이다.
더불어 "불법 온라인 광고대행에 대해선 소상공인 피해예방을 위한 표준계약서를 마련하고 문제가 생겼을 때 법원에 가지 않도록 해결할 수 있는 분쟁조정기구를 만들겠다"고 밝혔다.
지역 상권을 살리기 위해 오는 2027년까지 1000명의 민간 상권기획자를 육성해 이들이 발전전략을 기획하도록 했고, 오는 2027년까지 5000억 규모 지역상권육성펀드·상권발전기금을 조성해 뒷받침한다.
또 지역 창업가·주민·상인이 창조적으로 활동 및 교류하는 '지역 창작공간(로컬 메이커스페이스)'을 전국 10곳에 조성하는 가운데 주거·생활복합시설과 연계한 새로운 형태 지역상권을 만들겠다는 취지다.
이어진 토론에서 소상공인들은 고금리 및 각종 수수료 부담·영업상 애로와 피해 상황 등을 공유한 가운데 관련 부처는 구체적 지원방안 등을 설명했다.
이날 토론회엔 오영주 중소벤처기업부 장관·한기정 공정거래위원장·김병환 금융위원장·김범석 기획재정부 1차관·대통령실 정진석 비서실장·성태윤 정책실장·박춘섭 경제수석·상공인·상권기획자, 학계·전문가·정부·지방자치단체 등에서 총 80여명이 참석했다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
President Yoon Seok-yeol: "Delivery fees for small stores down 30% or more; all traditional markets free of charge"
Chungnam Gongju's first 'People's Livelihood Discussion with the People' in the latter half of the year, announced support measures for small business owners and self-employed workers... Strengthened relief for damage to small business owners such as no-shows and malicious comments, and created a 500 billion won fund to revitalize local commercial districts
-kihong Kim reporter
President Yoon Seok-yeol announced on the 2nd, “We will reduce delivery fees by more than 30% for small stores over the next three years and apply 0% to all traditional markets,” and announced a plan to support small business owners and the self-employed.
President Yoon presided over the first and 30th ‘People’s Livelihood Discussion with the People’ held at the Goma Art Center in Gongju, South Chungcheong Province, in the afternoon of the same day, and said, “We will establish a mutually beneficial plan within the year to lower the current 5-14% mobile gift certificate fee to a certain level and shorten the long settlement cycle through the mutually beneficial council.” ‘Recovery and advancement of small business owners and the self-employed’ is President Yoon’s first national task.
He continued, “Small business owners account for 95% of all Korean businesses and 46% of employment, and they are the foundation and support of our economy,” and “We can see a way to overcome polarization only when small business owners and the self-employed can find vitality and work vigorously.”
He also said, "We have allocated a dedicated budget of 5.9 trillion won for next year, and we will have the government devise forward-looking measures to stimulate domestic demand and consumption so that small business owners and the self-employed can work harder."
He also said, "We will do our best to relieve the four major online and offline damages related to the livelihoods of small business owners, such as no-shows, malicious reviews and comments, disposable product fines due to customers changing their minds, and illegal advertising agencies." He added, "Considering the reality that the damage amounts to 4.5 trillion won per year, we will establish a reservation deposit system that both consumers and sellers can agree on and present standards for resolving consumer disputes."
We plan to take swift action so that businesses that faithfully notify the prohibition of disposable product use in stores can be exempted from fines even if they are caught using disposable products in stores due to customers changing their minds.
In addition, he stated, "We will prepare a standard contract to prevent damage to small business owners regarding illegal online advertising agencies and create a dispute resolution organization that can resolve issues without going to court when they arise."
In order to revitalize local commercial districts, we will train 1,000 private commercial district planners by 2027 to plan development strategies, and support them by creating a local commercial district development fund and commercial district development fund worth 500 billion won by 2027.
In addition, we will create 10 'local creative spaces (local makerspaces)' across the country where local entrepreneurs, residents, and merchants can creatively engage and interact, and we will create a new type of local commercial district linked to residential and living complex facilities.
In the discussion that followed, small business owners shared their high interest rates, various fee burdens, business difficulties, and damage situations, while the relevant ministries explained specific support measures.
The discussion that day was attended by around 80 people including Minister of SMEs and Startups Oh Young-joo, Chairman of the Fair Trade Commission Han Ki-jung, Chairman of the Financial Services Commission Kim Byung-hwan, First Vice Minister of Strategy and Finance Kim Beom-seok, Chief of Staff to the President Chung Jin-seok, Director of Policy Seong Tae-yoon, Senior Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs Park Chun-seop, businesspeople, commercial district planners, academia, experts, government, and local governments.