
[소설 손자병법-2]난세에 노자, 공자, 손자가 내놓은 해법

이동연 작가 | 기사입력 2024/11/26 [08:43]



당시만 해도 인간의 길흉화복을 알기 위해 점치는 풍습이 만연하던 때였다. 


주나라 이전의 상나라 때는 더 심했다. 아예 왕이 나라의 제일 큰 무당이 되어 국가 대사를 앞두면 거북이 등에 손을 얹고 점을 쳤다. 그나마 주나라에 와서야 왕이 무당 역할은 하지 않았다. 하지만 주술적 분위기는 여전했다. 이런 분위기에 손무가 인간의 본성을 꿰뚫는 병법서를 쓰고자 했으니….


하기는 그즈음에 공자(551~479)나 노자(604~연도 미상)도 인의仁義와 무위자연無爲自然을 외치고 다녔다. 중원에 인간이 정주한 이후 처음으 로 인문학적 사색의 풍조가 일고 있었던 것이다. 공자가 ‘인간다움이 무엇인가’를 설파하고 다녔다면, 노자는 ‘인간이란 어떤 존재인가’에 대해 언급했다.


온 천하가 두 현자가 내놓은 당위성에 주목할 때, 손자는 난마처럼 얽힌 현실의 타개책을 궁구하고 있었다. 매일같이 옛 전쟁터를 답사하고 다니면서....


황제와 치우가 싸웠던 탁록涿鹿의 들, 상商나라 탕왕湯王(1600〜1589)이 하夏나라 걸왕桀王을 격파한 명조鳴條 벌판, 주周나라 무왕武王(1046〜 1043)과 상商나라 주왕紂王(1075〜1046)이 결전을 벌였던 목야牧野등, 주로 주나라 건국 이전까지의 유명한 전쟁처를 수차례 둘러보며, 양측의 지형地形, 군세軍勢, 작전作戰등을 비교하고 분석했다.


그럴 때마다 품고 다닌 책이 《육도삼략六韜三略》.


주 무왕을 도왔던 강태공姜太公이 지은 전략서이다. 이 책을 저절로 암송이 될 만큼 읽고 또 읽었다. 그러다가 오나라로 망명한 후부터 아버지 손빙孫憑의 가르침에 따라 주나라 건국 이후 춘추 말기까지 벌어 졌던 전적지를 찾아다니기 시작했다. 그 와중에 이 배를 탄 것이다.


왜 손무는 병법 연구에 일생을 바치기로 했을까? 그의 집안 내력과 관련이 깊은데 먼 조상인 순舜임금까지 연결되어 있다.


기원전 1,046년이었다. 상나라를 무너트린 주 무왕이 완구宛丘(하남성 회양)를 순행하던 중, 우연히 순임금의 후손 규만嬀滿을 만나 사위로 삼고 진陳나라의 제후에 임명했다. 그렇게 세워진 진나라가 16대 선 공宣公(692〜648)때 일대 혼란에 빠진다. 선공이 첩의 아들 규관을 후계 자로 삼으려 태자 어구를 죽인 것이다. 어구의 최측근이던 진완陳完 -14대 진여공陳厲公(706〜700)의 아들-도 일가를 데리고 황급히 제나라로 망명했다. 이래서 손자의 선조인 진완이 제나라 사람이 되었다.


▲ 필자/이동연  작가.    ©브레이크뉴스

인구가 부족해 후덕한 군주가 다스리는 나라로 집단 탈주가 자주 일어나던 시대라, 진나라 왕족이 오자 제환공齊桓公(685〜643)이 달려나가 맞이했다. 자신의 덕을 중원에 알릴 수 있는 기회로 보고 진완에게 전국의 수레 생산 등 수공업을 관리하라며 공정工正이라는 벼슬을 주었다.


그 뒤 진완은 제나라에 영구히 정착한다는 뜻으로 성까지 바꾸어 전완田完이라 했다. 


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. <*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Novel 《The Art of War》 Part 1, Episode 2..."Laozi, Confucius, and Sunzi's solution to the turmoil"


At that time, the custom of fortune telling to know the fortunes of people was widespread. It was even worse during the Shang Dynasty before the Zhou Dynasty. The king became the country's greatest shaman and would place his hand on the back of a turtle and tell fortunes before a national event. It was only during the Zhou Dynasty that the king stopped acting as a shaman. However, the atmosphere of shamanism remained. It was in this atmosphere that Sun Tzu wanted to write a book on military strategy that penetrated human nature... .

In fact, around that time, Confucius (551~479) and Laozi (604~year unknown) also preached benevolence and righteousness and non-action in nature. It was the first time since humans settled in the Central Plains that a trend of humanistic thought arose. If Confucius preached, “What is humanity?”, Laozi talked about “What kind of being is a human?” While the whole world was paying attention to the justifications put forth by the two wise men, Sun Tzu was searching for a solution to the entangled reality. That’s why he visited old battlefields every day. I visited the famous battlefields before the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, such as the Zhuolu Plain where the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou fought, the Mingzhao Plain where King Tang of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1589) defeated King Jie of the Xia Dynasty, and the Muye Plain where King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty (1046-1043) and King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty (1075-1046) fought a decisive battle, comparing and analyzing the terrain, military forces, and war strategies of both sides.

Whenever I did that, the book I carried with me was 《Six Secrets and Three Strategies》. It is a strategy book written by Jiang Taigong, who assisted King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty. I read and reread this book so much that I could recite it by heart. After he fled to Wu, he began to visit the battlefields that had been fought since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty and until the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, following the teachings of his father, Sun Bing. During this time, he boarded this ship.

Why did Sun Tzu devote his life to studying military strategy? It was deeply related to his family history, and it was connected to his distant ancestor, Emperor Shun.

It was 1,046 BC. While King Wu of Zhou, who had overthrown the Shang Dynasty, was touring Wanqiu (Huaiyang, Henan Province), he happened to meet Emperor Shun's descendant, Gui Man, and made him his son-in-law, appointing him as a vassal of the State of Chen. The State of Chen, which was thus established, fell into great chaos during the reign of the 16th ruler, Duke Xuan (692-648). Duke Xuan killed Crown Prince Yugu in order to make his concubine's son, Gui Guan, his successor. Jin Wan, the son of the 14th Jin Yeo-gong (706-700), who was the closest aide to Eogu, also hurriedly took his family and fled to the state of Qi. As a result, Jin Wan, the ancestor of his grandson, became a person of Qi.

It was a time when mass defections frequently occurred in countries ruled by benevolent monarchs due to a shortage of population, so when the Qin royal family arrived, Qi Huan-gong (685-643) rushed to welcome them. Seeing this as an opportunity to make his virtue known to the Central Plains, he gave Jin Wan the official title of Gongjeong (工正) and told him to manage handicrafts such as cart production throughout the country.

After that, Jin Wan changed his surname to Jeon Wan, meaning that he would settle in Qi permanently.

 At that time, the custom of fortune telling to know the fortunes of people was widespread. It was even worse during the Shang Dynasty before the Zhou Dynasty. The king became the country's greatest shaman and would place his hand on the back of a turtle and tell fortunes before a national event. It was only during the Zhou Dynasty that the king stopped acting as a shaman. However, the atmosphere of shamanism remained. It was in this atmosphere that Sun Tzu wanted to write a book on military strategy that penetrated human nature... .

In fact, around that time, Confucius (551~479) and Laozi (604~year unknown) also preached benevolence and righteousness and non-action in nature. It was the first time since humans settled in the Central Plains that a trend of humanistic thought arose. If Confucius preached, “What is humanity?”, Laozi talked about “What kind of being is a human?” While the whole world was paying attention to the justifications put forth by the two wise men, Sun Tzu was searching for a solution to the entangled reality. That’s why he visited old battlefields every day. I visited the famous battlefields before the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, such as the Zhuolu Plain where the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou fought, the Mingzhao Plain where King Tang of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1589) defeated King Jie of the Xia Dynasty, and the Muye Plain where King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty (1046-1043) and King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty (1075-1046) fought a decisive battle, comparing and analyzing the terrain, military forces, and war strategies of both sides.

Whenever I did that, the book I carried with me was 《Six Secrets and Three Strategies》. It is a strategy book written by Jiang Taigong, who assisted King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty. I read and reread this book so much that I could recite it by heart. After he fled to Wu, he began to visit the battlefields that had been fought since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty and until the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, following the teachings of his father, Sun Bing. During this time, he boarded this ship.

Why did Sun Tzu devote his life to studying military strategy? It was deeply related to his family history, and it was connected to his distant ancestor, Emperor Shun.

It was 1,046 BC. While King Wu of Zhou, who had overthrown the Shang Dynasty, was touring Wanqiu (Huaiyang, Henan Province), he happened to meet Emperor Shun's descendant, Gui Man, and made him his son-in-law, appointing him as a vassal of the State of Chen. The State of Chen, which was thus established, fell into great chaos during the reign of the 16th ruler, Duke Xuan (692-648). Duke Xuan killed Crown Prince Yugu in order to make his concubine's son, Gui Guan, his successor. Jin Wan, the son of the 14th Jin Yeo-gong (706-700), who was the closest aide to Eogu, also hurriedly took his family and fled to the state of Qi. As a result, Jin Wan, the ancestor of his grandson, became a person of Qi.

It was a time when mass defections frequently occurred in countries ruled by benevolent monarchs due to a shortage of population, so when the Qin royal family arrived, Qi Huan-gong (685-643) rushed to welcome them. Seeing this as an opportunity to make his virtue known to the Central Plains, he gave Jin Wan the official title of Gongjeong (工正) and told him to manage handicrafts such as cart production throughout the country.

After that, Jin Wan changed his surname to Jeon Wan, meaning that he would settle in Qi permanently. 

기사제보 및 보도자료 119@breaknews.com
ⓒ 한국언론의 세대교체 브레이크뉴스 / 무단전재 및 재배포금지
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  • 성대출신 2024/12/02 [03:35] 수정 | 삭제
  • 필자는 성균관대 출신입니다. 불교 Monkey 일제강점기의 종교정책도 알아야 합니다. 그래야 대처할 수 있습니다. 그 불법강점기 당시에는, 수천년 동아시아 세계종교(중국,한국,베트남,몽고) 유교국가중 하나인, 한국 유교를, 종교아닌, 사회규범으로 오도하고, 일본 신도(불교에서 파생된 일본 후발 국지적 신앙. 일본 국교), 불교, 기독교(일본 극소수 신앙)만 포교종교로 하여, 유교가 왜곡되었는데, 최근 다시, 주권없이, 일본 불교 잔재 망령들이 되살아나서, 별 문제없던 유교국가 한국을 다시 왜곡하고 있습니다. @한편, 우주만물과, 만물의 영장인 인간을 창조하신 유교의 하느님. 하느님을 모시는 유교의, 공자님, 가톨릭의 예수님 숭배는 이미 2천년전에 그 기틀이 확립되어 변하지 않습니다.유교의 하느님(天. 주역의 乾元,太極도 통합하시는 하느님이심)은 인간을 창조하시고(시경:天生蒸民), 공자님께 天命(중용의 天命, 논어의 知天命), 天德(논어 天生德於予, 桓魋其如予何? 하늘이 나에게 덕을 부여하셨는데, 환퇴가 나를 아떻게 하겠는가?)을 부여하시는 인격천(天)이시며, 우주만물을 창조하셨고 통치하시는 하느님이시며(주역의 乾元.太極과 연계), 자연천(天)까지 통합하시는 절대적.초월적 하느님(天)이십니다. @하느님. 유교와 가톨릭의 모든 권능과 자격은 창조주 하느님으로부터 나옵니다.하느님 숭배하는 사람은 하늘(하느님)에 죄짓고, 거역하는걸 가장 무서워합니다. 개인적으로 지은죄는 실정법에 따라, 처벌받으면 됩니다.브라만에 대항해 후발 신앙을 만든 불교의 부처가 창조주 범천보다 높고 창조주를 가르친다는 Monkey발상 상기시킴. 일제 강점기 불교 Monkey일본이 수천년 세계종교 유교의 일원인 한국 유교를 인정않았음. 그리고 창조주에 대드는 성씨없는 점쇠 천민 천황이 하느님보다 높고 예수보다 높다고 목사 고문구타한 사실. 자기들이 들여온 기독교의 신부억압과, 목사 고문.구타한 사실. @@고대 한국의 경우, 부여 금와왕, 고구려 주몽임금, 신라 혁거세임금등은, 하늘의 신령함으로 태어난 유교의 상고시대 天子개념에 영향받은 탄생신화를 가졌습니다. 하늘의 아들이라는 하느님족 유교나, 가톨릭의 하느님 숭배 전통! 이 자격이 가장 중요합니다.공자님께서 태어나실때 은나라왕족의 후손이라, 그런지, 하늘에서 하늘의 사자들이 내려와 축하해주었음. 예수님은 다윗왕의 후손. 석가는 그 당시 인도의 최고신분 브라만(성직자계급)이 아닌, 정치계급의 크샤트리아 출신. 공자님은 나중에 성인임금(문선왕, 문선제)칭호 추증. 예수님은 기독교 세계 만왕의 왕.부처 Monkey불교는, 브라만에 항거한 죄로, 천 몇백년동안, 인도에서 천 몇백년동안, 불가촉천민으로 살아옴. 조계종 천민 승려와 비슷.