대한민국 임시정부 이승만 대통령을 제외한 두 번의 대통령 탄핵에 관하여 그 이유와 과정을 살펴보면. 대통령의 탄핵을 하여야 하는 이유가 있었다.
노무현 전 대통령은 공무원 중립선거 의무위반 5건, 국정파탄, 경제파탄, 측근비리 8가지였다. 탄핵 주체는 열린우리당 창당으로 대통령 당선 소속정당의 배신감에서 당시 민주당이었다. 박근혜 전 대통령은 헌법에 위배되는 범죄(최순실 등 민간인에 의한 국정농단 , 비선실세, 대기업 뇌물)등이 있었다. 「헌법 위배행위」로는▴국민주권주의(헌법 제1조), 대의민주주의(헌법 제67조 제1항), 국무회의에 관한 규정(헌법 제88조, 제89조), 대통령의 헌법수호 및 헌법준수의무(헌법 제66조 제2항, 제69조) 위배 ▴직업공무원 제도(헌법 제7조), 대통령의 공무원 임명권(헌법 제78조), 평등원칙(헌법 제11조) 위배 ▴재산권 보장(헌법 제23조 제1항), 직업선택의 자유(헌법 제15조), 기본적 인권보장 의무(헌법 제10조),시장경제질서(헌법 제119조 제1항) 위배▴언론의 자유(헌법 제21조 제1항), 직업선택의 자유 (헌법 제15조) 위배▴생명권 보장(헌법 제10조) 위배이며 「법률 위배행위」로는 ▴재단법인 미르, 재단법인 케이스포츠 설립 모금 관련 범죄 ▴롯데그룹 추가 출연금 관련 범죄 ▴최서원 등에 대한 특혜 제공 관련 범죄 1)케이디 코퍼레이션 관련 특정범죄 가중처벌 등에 관한 법률 위반(뇌물)죄, 직권남용 권리행사 방해죄, 강요죄 2) 플레이 그라운드 관련 직권남용 권리행사 방해죄, 강요죄 3) 주식회사 포스코 관련 직권남용 권리행사 방해죄, 강요죄) 주식회사 KT 관련 직권남용 권리행사 방해죄, 강요죄 5) 랜드 코리아 레저 관련 직권남용 권리행사 방해죄, 강요죄 문서 유출 및 공무상 취득한 비밀 누설 관련 범죄이며 탄핵주체는 세월호, 백남기 농민 물대포 사망-십상시 최순실에 분노한 국민이다. 범죄사실을 밝혀낸 장본인은 박근혜 정부에서 임명한 박영수(윤석열) 특검이었다.
박근혜 전 대통령의 탄핵사유를 돌이켜보면 대통령권력을 이용하여 사적인 욕구를 충족하기보다 주변의 탐욕이 첫 번째이다. 대통령 권한을 방기하여 사인이 국정을 농단케 한 것이 두 번째이다.
윤석열 대통령의 행위를 보면, 가족이 사적인 욕구를 탐하고 권력을 이용하여 탐한 범죄를 묻어버리고, 신라 경애왕의 무능, 무지, 무식의 포석정정치와 다름없는 정치를 하여 왔다는 것이다.
대한민국을 컨트롤하는 대통령실에 국정 동반자인 입법부, 사법부에 대한 존중은 실종되고 더구나 여당과 야당도 실종되었다. 국법은 치외법권 지역이 된지 오래이 며, 모든 법은 김건희여사를 예외로 하고 있다는 것이다. 박근혜 전 대통령의 탄핵을 주도한 자로서 대통령 탄핵의 유무를 너무나 잘 알고 있는 대통령일 것이다.
天下之本 在國 . 國之本 在家, 家之本 在身=천하를 다스리려면 나라부터 다스려야 하고 , 나라를 다스리려면 집부터 다스려야 하고, 집을 다스리려면 자신부터 다스려야 한다. 다른 말로 수신제가 치국평천하를 이행하여야 하는 골든타임이 지금이다. 가족 한명도 다스리지 못하면서 세계 10대 부국(), 5대 국방강국, 최고 도덕국가를 다스리겠다고? 3급 정치인이 1급의 대한민국을 다스리겠다고? 당신의 후손이, 당신을 대통령으로 선택한 국민의 후손이 살아갈 대한민국을 더 이상 망쳐서는 안 된다. bhmin6414@hanmail.net
*필자/민병홍. 칼럼니스트.
President, stop ruining the Republic of Korea that your descendants will live in!
- Min Byeong-hong, columnist
If we look at the reasons and process for the impeachment of the two presidents of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, excluding President Syngman Rhee, there were reasons why the president had to be impeached.
Former President Roh Moo-hyun was charged with five violations of the duty to hold neutral elections for public officials, the collapse of state affairs, economic collapse, and corruption of close associates on eight counts. The impeachment was led by the Democratic Party at the time due to the betrayal of the party from which the president was elected, which led to the creation of the Uri Party. Former President Park Geun-hye committed crimes that violated the Constitution (the manipulation of state affairs by civilians such as Choi Soon-sil, unelected power, bribery of large corporations, etc.) The “acts violating the Constitution” include: ▴violation of the principle of popular sovereignty (Article 1 of the Constitution), representative democracy (Article 67, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution), provisions regarding the State Council (Articles 88 and 89 of the Constitution), and the President’s duty to protect and observe the Constitution (Articles 66, Paragraph 2 and 69 of the Constitution); ▴violation of the career civil service system (Article 7 of the Constitution), the President’s right to appoint civil servants (Article 78 of the Constitution), and the principle of equality (Article 11 of the Constitution); ▴violation of the guarantee of property rights (Article 23, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution), freedom to choose an occupation (Article 15 of the Constitution), the duty to guarantee fundamental human rights (Article 10 of the Constitution), and market economic order (Article 119, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution); ▴violation of freedom of the press (Article 21, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution), freedom to choose an occupation (Article 15 of the Constitution); ▴violation of the guarantee of the right to life (Article 10 of the Constitution); and “violation of the law.” The “violations” include: ▴crimes related to fundraising for the establishment of the Mir Foundation and the K-Sports Foundation ▴crimes related to additional contributions from Lotte Group ▴crimes related to providing preferential treatment to Choi Seo-won, etc. 1) Crimes related to KD Corporation, violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (bribery), obstruction of exercise of rights through abuse of authority, coercion 2) Crimes related to Playground, obstruction of exercise of rights through abuse of authority, coercion 3) Crimes related to POSCO, obstruction of exercise of rights through abuse of authority, coercion ) Crimes related to KT, obstruction of exercise of rights through abuse of authority, coercion 5) Crimes related to Land Korea Leisure, obstruction of exercise of rights through abuse of authority, coercion Crimes related to leaking documents and leaking secrets obtained in the course of official duties, and the subject of the impeachment is the people who are angry at Choi Soon-sil for the Sewol Ferry disaster and the death of farmer Baek Nam-gi from a water cannon. The person who uncovered the crimes was Special Prosecutor Park Young-soo (Yoon Seok-yeol), appointed by the Park Geun-hye government. Looking back at the reasons for former President Park Geun-hye’s impeachment, the first reason is the greed of those around her rather than using her presidential power to satisfy her personal desires. The second reason is that she abandoned her presidential authority and allowed private individuals to monopolize state affairs.
Looking at President Yoon Seok-yeol’s actions, we can see that his family has been pursuing their personal desires and using their power to cover up their crimes, and that he has been engaging in politics that are no different from the incompetent, ignorant, and illiterate political practices of King Gyeongae of Silla.
In the presidential office that controls the Republic of Korea, respect for the legislative and judicial branches, which are partners in state affairs, has disappeared, and even the ruling and opposition parties have disappeared. The law of the land has long been an extraterritorial area, and all laws make an exception for Ms. Kim Kun-hee. As the one who led the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye, he must be a president who knows very well whether or not the president should be impeached.
The origin of the world is in the country. The foundation of the country is at home, the foundation of the family is at one's own = If you want to rule the world, you must first rule the country. If you want to rule the country, you must first rule the house. If you want to rule the house, you must first rule yourself. In other words, the golden time for a self-disciplined ruler to carry out the rule of governing the country and bringing peace to the world is now. If you can't rule even one of your own family members, how can you rule one of the world's top 10 wealthiest countries, one of the top 5 defense powers, and one of the most moral countries? A third-rate politician can rule the first-rate Republic of Korea? You must not ruin the Republic of Korea that your descendants, the descendants of the people who chose you as president, will live in.
*Author/Min Byeong-hong. Columnist.