【브레이크뉴스 대구】이성현 기자=대구경북민주공공노동조합 협의회는 19일 성명서를 통해 대구의 섬유패션산업 ‘르네상스’를 위한 홍준표 대구시장의 ‘섬유산업 부흥‘ 결단에 환영한다고 밝혔다.
이어 섬유재건 위한 대구시장 결단과 k-문화의 글로벌시장 진출 확산이라는 중요 시점에 한국패션산업연구원 해산 결정은 대구 섬유산업의 뼈아픈 현실이지만 홍 시장의 결단을 발판 삼아 우리 스스로 개혁에 나서야 할 때라고 강조했다.
또한 스트림별 업종간 이익, 계파갈등 조장은 더 이상 안 돼며 업계 스스로 자정노력과 대구시와 발맞추는 혁신 개혁 필요하다고 덧붙였다.
마지막으로 ‘D(daegu)-섬유’ ‘D-패션’ 고부가가치 패션봉제산업 지원 위한 한국패션산업연구원 전문인력 활용 방안에 섬유업계-지자체가 지혜를 모아야 한다고 밝혔다.
앞서 한국패션산업연구원 이사회는 지난 15일 9차 이사회를 열고 한국패션산업연구원이 더 이상 설립목적을 달성하기 불가능하다는 결론을 내린 바 있다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Welcome to Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo’s ‘Textile Industry Revival’ Decision for Daegu’s Textile Fashion Industry ‘Renaissance’
On the 19th, the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Democratic Public Labor Union Council announced in a statement that it welcomes Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo’s ‘Textile Industry Revival’ decision for Daegu’s textile fashion industry ‘Renaissance’.
He went on to emphasize that the decision to disband the Korea Fashion Industry Research Institute at a critical juncture of the Daegu Mayor’s decision to rebuild the textile industry and the expansion of K-culture into the global market is a painful reality for the Daegu textile industry, but it is time for us to take the Mayor Hong’s decision as a stepping stone to reform ourselves.
He also added that the industry should no longer encourage inter-industry interests and factional conflicts by stream, and that the industry itself needs to make self-discipline efforts and innovative reforms in line with the city of Daegu.
Finally, he stated that the textile industry and local governments should pool their wisdom to utilize the Korea Fashion Industry Research Institute’s professional manpower to support the ‘D(daegu)-textile’ and ‘D-fashion’ high value-added fashion sewing industry.
Earlier, the Korea Fashion Industry Research Institute's board of directors held its 9th board meeting on the 15th and concluded that the Korea Fashion Industry Research Institute could no longer achieve its founding purpose.
Welcome to Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo’s ‘Textile Industry Revival’ Decision for Daegu’s Textile Fashion Industry ‘Renaissance’
On the 19th, the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Democratic Public Labor Union Council announced in a statement that it welcomes Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo’s ‘Textile Industry Revival’ decision for Daegu’s textile fashion industry ‘Renaissance’.
He went on to emphasize that the decision to disband the Korea Fashion Industry Research Institute at a critical juncture of the Daegu Mayor’s decision to rebuild the textile industry and the expansion of K-culture into the global market is a painful reality for the Daegu textile industry, but it is time for us to take the Mayor Hong’s decision as a stepping stone to reform ourselves.
He also added that the industry should no longer encourage inter-industry interests and factional conflicts by stream, and that the industry itself needs to make self-discipline efforts and innovative reforms in line with the city of Daegu.
Finally, he stated that the textile industry and local governments should pool their wisdom to utilize the Korea Fashion Industry Research Institute’s professional manpower to support the ‘D(daegu)-textile’ and ‘D-fashion’ high value-added fashion sewing industry.
Earlier, the Korea Fashion Industry Research Institute's board of directors held its 9th board meeting on the 15th and concluded that the Korea Fashion Industry Research Institute could no longer achieve its founding purpose.
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 대구경북