신천지예수교 증거장막성전 바돌로매지파(이하 신천지 바돌로매지파)는 11월18인 보도자료에서 “경기도 수원시 경기도청 앞에서 18일 오전 11시 30분 신천지예수교 바돌로매지파 소속 성도 1000여 명이 참석한 가운데 '편파적인 종교탄압 규탄 결의대회'가 열렸다. 이번 집회는 경기관광공사가 신천지예수교회 측의 파주 임진각 평화누리공원 대관을 일방적으로 취소한 데 대한 항의의 일환으로, 지난 15일 열린 규탄집회에 이어 지속되고 있다”고 알렸다.
보도자료에 따르면, 곽종렬 바돌로매 지파장은 대회사에서 “경기관광공사가 당일 대관을 취소한 것은 특정 종교의 압력에 따른 편파적 행정 탄압”이라고 지적하며 “헌법 제20조가 보장하는 종교의 자유가 무시당했다”고 비판했다. 이어 “대관 취소 결정은 수만 명의 국내외 성도들과 종교 지도자들의 노력을 허사로 만든 폭거”라며 “종교적 차별을 당한 신천지예수교회 성도들도 대한민국의 국민으로서 평등하게 대우받아야 한다”고 강조했다.
유영빈 화곡교회 담임강사는 입장문 발표를 통해 “이번 임진각 평화누리공원 대관 취소는 신천지예수교회에 대한 일방적 차별”이라며 “국가 안보를 이유로 대관이 취소됐다고 하지만, 같은 장소에서 열린 다른 행사들은 정상적으로 진행됐다”고 비판했다. 유영빈 강사는 경기관광공사가 특정 종교 단체의 민원에 흔들려 신천지예수교회의 행사 준비를 방해했다며, 이에 대해 공식적인 사과와 피해 보상을 촉구했다.
자유 발언에서 김규찬 부천교회 담임강사는 “경기관광공사와 경기도청이 공공의 이익을 위해 일해야 할 공공기관의 본분을 저버리고 특정 종교 단체의 압력에 굴복했다”고 주장하며, “차별적 행정으로 인해 수백억 원의 피해가 발생했다”고 말했다. 신동국 김포교회 담임강사는 “종교와 정치는 분리돼야 한다”며 “정치가 종교에 간섭하는 것은 헌법에 반하는 행위”라고 강조했다.
이날 집회는 결의문 낭독으로 마무리됐다. 이중원 영등포교회 청년회장은 결의문에서 “종교를 이용한 차별이 중단되고, 재발 방지를 위한 제도적 장치가 마련될 때까지 모든 법적 수단을 동원할 것”이라고 선언했다. 그는 “국제 인권 단체에 이번 종교탄압 사건을 알리고, 전 세계가 주목하도록 할 것”이라며, 헌법이 보장한 종교의 자유를 끝까지 지키겠다는 입장을 밝혔다.
참석자들은 결의문 낭독 후 “정치와 종교를 분리하라”, “편파적 행정을 중단하라”는 구호를 외치며 항의했다.
신천지예수교회측은 “앞으로도 전국에 있는 12지파가 돌아가면서 매주 월·수·금 경기도청 앞에서 연달아 집회를 이어갈 계획이라고 밝혔다. 이들은 경기도청과 경기관광공사가 신천지예수교회 측 요구를 받아들일 때까지 지속적인 항의와 투쟁을 멈추지 않겠다는 입장”이라면서 “신천지예수교회 측은 이번 사태를 “종교의 자유를 둘러싼 중요한 싸움”으로 규정하며, 끝까지 투쟁해 헌법적 권리를 되찾겠다“고 강조했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Shincheonji Bartholomew Tribe “1,000 Members Rally in Front of Gyeonggi Provincial Office to Denounce Religious Persecution”
“Until Demands Are Accepted” Announcement of Continuous Protest and Struggle”
- Reporter Park Jeong-dae
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony Bartholomew Tribe (hereafter referred to as Shincheonji Bartholomew Tribe) announced in a press release on November 18 that “At 11:30 AM on the 18th, a ‘Resolution Rally to Denounce Biased Religious Persecution’ was held in front of the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, with the attendance of approximately 1,000 members of the Bartholomew Tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. This rally is part of a protest against the Gyeonggi Tourism Organization’s unilateral cancellation of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus’s rental of the Imjingak Peace Nuri Park in Paju, and is continuing after the protest rally held on the 15th.”
According to a press release, Kwak Jong-ryeol, the head of the Bartholomew branch, criticized the Gyeonggi Tourism Organization’s cancellation of the venue on the day, saying, “It is a biased administrative oppression based on pressure from a specific religion,” and “The freedom of religion guaranteed by Article 20 of the Constitution has been ignored.” He continued, “The decision to cancel the venue is an outrage that has wasted the efforts of tens of thousands of domestic and international believers and religious leaders,” and emphasized, “Shincheonji Church of Jesus believers who have suffered religious discrimination should be treated equally as citizens of the Republic of Korea.”
Yoo Young-bin, a senior lecturer at Hwagok Church, released a statement criticizing, “This cancellation of the Imjingak Peace Nuri Park is unilateral discrimination against Shincheonji Church of Jesus,” and “They say the venue was canceled for national security reasons, but other events held at the same location proceeded normally.” Yoo Young-bin said that the Gyeonggi Tourism Organization interfered with the preparation of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ event due to complaints from a specific religious group, and demanded an official apology and compensation for the damages.
In the free speech, Kim Gyu-chan, a senior lecturer at Bucheon Church, claimed that “the Gyeonggi Tourism Organization and the Gyeonggi Provincial Office abandoned their duties as public institutions that should work for the public interest and yielded to the pressure of a specific religious group,” and that “the discriminatory administration caused damages worth hundreds of billions of won.” Shin Dong-guk, a senior lecturer at Gimpo Church, emphasized that “religion and politics must be separated,” and that “politics interfering with religion is an act that goes against the Constitution.”
The rally ended with the reading of a resolution. Lee Jung-won, the youth president of Yeongdeungpo Church, declared in the resolution that “all legal means will be mobilized until discrimination based on religion is stopped and institutional measures are put in place to prevent recurrence.” He stated that he would “report this religious oppression incident to international human rights organizations and bring it to the attention of the world,” expressing his position that he would protect the freedom of religion guaranteed by the Constitution to the end.
After the reading of the resolution, the participants chanted “Separate politics and religion” and “Stop biased administration” in protest.
The Shincheonji Church of Jesus announced that “the 12 tribes across the country will continue to hold rallies in front of the Gyeonggi Provincial Office every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They stated that they will not stop their protests and struggles until the Gyeonggi Provincial Office and the Gyeonggi Tourism Organization accept Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ demands.” They also emphasized that “Shincheonji Church of Jesus defines this incident as an ‘important fight over religious freedom’ and will fight to the end to regain constitutional rights.”
- On November 18, in front of the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon, the Bartholomew Tribe of Shincheonji held a ‘resolution rally to condemn biased religious oppression’, and participants held pickets demanding ‘stop religious discrimination’ and ‘apology for the unfair cancellation.’ [Photo courtesy of the Bartholomew Tribe of Shincheonji]
- On November 18, in front of the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon, Bartholomew Tribe leader Kwak Jong-ryeol speaks at the ‘resolution rally to condemn biased religious oppression.’ The branch instructors (from the left, Gwangmyeong Church, Bucheon Church, Hwagok Church, and Gimpo Church) are holding pickets with the phrase, “What kind of biased religious oppression are you talking about!” and are participating in the speech. [Photo provided by Shincheonji Bartholomew Tribe]
- On November 18, in front of the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon City, Gwak Jong-ryeol, the leader of the Bartholomew Tribe, is speaking at the “Resolution Conference to Denounce Biased Religious Oppression.” [Photo provided by Shincheonji Bartholomew Tribe]
- On November 18, in front of the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon City, members of the Bartholomew Tribe of Shincheonji are unfurling a large banner and chanting, “Stop religious oppression.” [Photo provided by Shincheonji Bartholomew Tribe]