(무안=브레이크뉴스) 이학수 기자=김영록 전남도지사는 13일 국회에서 여야 정책위의장과 상임위원장 등을 잇따라 면담, 전라남특별자치도와 기회발전특구 조세특례 혜택 등 지역 현안 해결과 2025년 국비예산 심의 과정에서의 추가 증액 등을 건의했다.
이날 면담 의원은 김상훈 국민의힘 정책위의장, 진성준 더불어민주당 정책위의장, 신정훈 행정안전위원장, 맹성규 국토교통위원장, 정태호 기획재정위원회 간사, 박지원·서미화 국회의원 등이다.
김영록 지사는 지역 현안을 설명하면서 “전남이 지방소멸 위기를 슬기롭게 극복하고 대한민국 핵심 성장축으로 당당히 자리잡기 위해서는 국회 차원의 적극적인 관심이 그 어느때보다 절실하다”며 지원을 요청했다.
도민의 오랜 염원인 전라남도 국립의과대학 설립과 관련해선 “정부 1도 1국립대 정책 방향과 지역 상생·화합에 부합하면서 전체 도민의 건강권까지 확보할 수 있는 ‘통합의대’ 논의가 막바지에 이르렀다”며 “통합의대를 정부에 추천하면, 정부에서 2026학년도 국립의대 신설 절차를 신속히 추진하도록 적극적으로 지원해달라”고 당부했다.
‘지방소멸 위기 극복 전라남특별자치도’ 설치에 대해선 “지방은 권한과 재정이 부족해 주도적 정책 추진에 한계가 있다”며 “에너지·관광·농어업·첨단산업 등 비교우위 산업의 권한을 확보해 지역 주도의 새로운 모델로 만들겠다”며 ‘지방소멸 위기 극복 전라남특별자치도 특별법’ 제정 지원을 요청했다.
기회발전특구 조세특례 혜택과 관련, “비수도권은 기업 유치와 인력 확보에 많은 어려움이 있는 만큼, 인구소멸 위험지역 중심으로 가업상속 공제 확대, 특구 근로자 소득세 감면 확대의 조속한 시행이 필요하다”고 강조했다.
남해안종합개발청 설립 및 남해안권 발전 특별법 제정도 요청했다. 김영록 지사는 “SOC·관광·해양 등 남해안 발전사업을 체계적이고 종합적으로 추진하기 위해 남해안권 발전 특별법을 제정해야 하고, 중앙지방통합형 행정기관인 남해안 종합개발청 설립이 필요하다”고 밝혔다.
여순사건특별법에 대해선 “여순사건의 명백한 진상규명과 희생자·유족의 온전한 명예회복을 위해 진상규명 조사기한 2년 연장과 함께 신속한 희생자유족 결정이 뒷받침돼야 한다”며 조속한 개정을 건의했다.
김영록 지사는 또 “지역의 경제발전과 관광 활성화의 마중물이 될 SOC는 지역 형평성을 고려한 공정한 사업비 배분이 필요하나 2024년 예산, 2025년 정부안 국비는 많이 부족한 수준”이라며 “지역 핵심사업을 계획기간에 완공하기 위해서는 사업비 1조 원 확보가 필요하다. 국회 심의 과정에서 3천억 원 이상 증액되도록 적극 협조해달라”고 요청했다.
SOC 증액 관련 주요 사업은 호남고속철도 2단계 사업비 1천300억 원(총사업비 2조 8천100억), 국도 77호선 신안 압해~해남 화원 연결도로 사업비 539억 원(총사업비 5천794억), 여수 화태~백야 연결도로 사업비 407억 원(총사업비 6천244억) 등 17개 사업이다.
국회 예산심의 총력 대응체제로 전환한 전남도는 도지사를 중심으로 모든 실·국장이 수시로 국회를 찾아 기획재정부와 중앙부처, 지역 국회의원들과 긴밀히 협의하는 등 국회 최종 의결 때까지 정부안 미반영 사업을 재정비해 최대한 많은 예산을 확보하도록 최선을 다할 계획이다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문] 입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Former South Jeolla Province Governor Kim Young-rok, Focus on National Assembly on Local Issues, Securing National Treasury
Governor Kim meets with the ruling and opposition party policy committee chairmen and standing committee chairmen… Requests support for local issues… Proposals for Jeollanam-do Special Self-Governing Province, Opportunity Development Zone tax benefits, SOC, etc.
(Muan=Break News) Reporter Lee Hak-su= Former South Jeolla Province Governor Kim Young-rok met with the ruling and opposition party policy committee chairmen and standing committee chairmen at the National Assembly on the 13th, and made suggestions for resolving local issues such as Jeollanam-do Special Self-Governing Province and Opportunity Development Zone tax benefits, as well as additional increases during the 2025 national budget deliberation process.
The lawmakers interviewed that day were People Power Party Policy Committee Chairmen Kim Sang-hoon, Democratic Party Policy Committee Chairmen Jin Seong-jun, Public Administration and Security Committee Chairmen Shin Jeong-hoon, Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee Chairmen Maeng Seong-gyu, Planning and Finance Committee Secretary Jeong Tae-ho, and National Assembly Members Park Ji-won and Seo Mi-hwa.
Governor Kim Young-rok explained the local issues and requested support, saying, “In order for Jeollanam-do to wisely overcome the crisis of local extinction and firmly establish itself as a key growth axis of the Republic of Korea, active interest at the National Assembly level is more urgent than ever.”
Regarding the establishment of a Jeollanam-do National Medical School, a long-standing wish of the residents, he said, “The discussion on an ‘integrated medical school’ that is in line with the government’s policy direction of one province, one national university and regional coexistence and harmony while also securing the right to health of all residents of the province has reached the final stage,” and requested, “If we recommend an integrated medical school to the government, I ask that the government actively support the process of quickly promoting the establishment of a national medical school in the 2026 school year.”
Regarding the establishment of the ‘Jeollanam-do Special Self-Governing Province to Overcome the Crisis of Local Extinction,’ he said, “Local areas lack authority and finances, so they have limitations in promoting proactive policies,” and requested support for the enactment of the ‘Jeollanam-do Special Self-Governing Province to Overcome the Crisis of Local Extinction,’ saying, “We will secure authority for comparatively advantageous industries such as energy, tourism, agriculture, and fisheries, and advanced industries to create a new model led by the region.”
Regarding the tax benefits of the opportunity development special zone, he emphasized, “Since non-metropolitan areas have many difficulties in attracting businesses and securing human resources, it is necessary to quickly implement the expansion of the family business inheritance deduction and the expansion of income tax reduction for special zone workers, focusing on areas at risk of population extinction.”
He also requested the establishment of the South Coast Comprehensive Development Agency and the enactment of the South Coast Development Special Act. Governor Kim Young-rok stated, “In order to systematically and comprehensively promote development projects in the South Coast, such as SOC, tourism, and the ocean, the South Coast Development Special Act must be enacted, and the establishment of the South Coast Comprehensive Development Agency, a central-local integrated administrative agency, is necessary.”
Regarding the Yeosun Incident Special Act, he suggested a speedy revision, saying, “In order to clearly uncover the truth about the Yeosun Incident and fully restore the honor of the victims and their bereaved families, the investigation period for the truth should be extended by two years, and a swift decision on the bereaved families of the victims should be supported.”
Governor Kim Young-rok also said, “SOC, which will be a catalyst for regional economic development and tourism activation, requires fair distribution of project costs that take regional equity into account, but the 2024 budget and the 2025 government budget are very insufficient.” He requested, “In order to complete the regional core projects within the planned period, we need to secure 1 trillion won in project costs. Please actively cooperate so that the National Assembly can increase the budget by more than 300 billion won during the deliberation process.”
The major projects related to the increase in SOC are 17 projects, including the Honam High-Speed Railway Phase 2 project cost of KRW 130 billion (total project cost of KRW 2.81 trillion), the National Route 77 Sinan Aphae-Haenam Hwawon connection road project cost of KRW 53.9 billion (total project cost of KRW 579.4 billion), and the Yeosu Hwatae-Baekya connection road project cost of KRW 40.7 billion (total project cost of KRW 624.4 billion).
Jeollanam-do, which has switched to an all-out response system for the National Assembly budget review, plans to do its best to secure as much budget as possible by reorganizing projects not reflected in the government plan until the final National Assembly deliberation, including having all department heads and bureau chiefs visit the National Assembly frequently, centered around the governor, to closely consult with the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, central government agencies, and local National Assembly members.
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 전남