(브레이크뉴스 광주·전남) 이학수 기자=경찰청이 지난 10일 단행한 경찰 고위직 승진 인사에서 광주·전남출신의 경찰관 2명이 치안정감과 치안감으로 각각 승진했다.
치안정감은 경찰총수인 경찰청장(치안총감) 바로 아래 계급이며, 치안감은 치안정감 바로 아래 계급이다.
주인공은 광주 출신의 오문교 치안감(충남경찰청장)과 전남 함평출신의 모상묘 경무관((경기남부경찰청 분당경찰서장)이다.
오문교 치안정감은 광주 석산고등학교와 경찰대 행정학과(5기)를 졸업하고 경기 광주·군포·의왕경찰서장, 경기남부경찰청 정보과장 등을 거쳐 2020년 경무관으로 승진했다.
이후 경기 수원남부경찰서장, 경기북부청·경기남부청 자치경찰부장, 경찰청 대변인을 역임했으며 2023년 9월 치안감으로 승진한 뒤 충남경찰청장에 보임됐다.
모상묘 치안감은 전남 함평 학다리고등학교와 동국대학교 경찰행정학과를 졸업하고 경찰간부 42기로 임용됐다.
2016년 서울청 청문감사관실 감찰계장을 맡은 뒤 이듬해 총경으로 승진하여 경기남부청 안산상록경찰서장, 경찰청 경무담당관, 서울청 혜화경찰서장, 서울청 청문감사인권담당관 등을 역임한 뒤 2023년 1월 경무관으로 승진돼 분당경찰서장에 보임됐다.
한편 새로운 치안정감과 치안감들의 보직은 시도 자치경찰위원회 협의 과정을 거쳐 추후 정해진다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문] 입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Gwangju·Jeonnam native Oh Moon-kyo and Mo Sang-myo promoted to superintendent of police, superintendent of police
(Break News Gwangju·Jeonnam) Reporter Lee Hak-su = In the high-ranking police promotion personnel carried out by the National Police Agency on the 10th, two police officers from Gwangju·Jeonnam were promoted to superintendent of police and superintendent of police, respectively.
The superintendent of police is the rank immediately below the police chief, the commissioner general of police (superintendent of police), and the superintendent of police is the rank immediately below the superintendent of police.
The main characters are Superintendent Oh Moon-kyo (Chief of South Chungcheong Provincial Police Agency) from Gwangju and Superintendent Mo Sang-myo (Chief of Bundang Police Station, Gyeonggi Southern Provincial Police Agency) from Hampyeong, Jeollanam-do.
Superintendent Oh Moon-kyo graduated from Seoksan High School in Gwangju and the 5th class of the National Police University's Department of Public Administration, and served as the Chief of the Gwangju, Gunpo, and Uiwang Police Stations in Gyeonggi Province and the Chief of the Information Division of the Gyeonggi Southern Provincial Police Agency before being promoted to Superintendent in 2020.
Afterwards, he served as the Chief of Suwon Southern Police Station in Gyeonggi Province, the Chief of the Autonomous Police Department of the Gyeonggi Northern Provincial Police Agency and Gyeonggi Southern Provincial Police Agency, and the Spokesperson for the National Police Agency. After being promoted to Superintendent in September 2023, he was appointed as the Chief of South Chungcheong Provincial Police Agency.
Superintendent Mo Sang-myo graduated from Hampyeong Hakdari High School in Jeollanam-do and the Department of Police Administration at Dongguk University, and was appointed as the 42nd class of police officers.
After serving as the Chief of the Inspection Division of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency's Audit and Inspection Office in 2016, he was promoted to Superintendent General the following year and became the Chief of the Gyeonggi Southern Provincial Police Agency. After serving as the Chief of Ansan Sangnok Police Station, the Chief of Police Affairs at the National Police Agency, the Chief of Hyehwa Police Station at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, and the Director of the Human Rights and Audit Office at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, he was promoted to the rank of Superintendent of Police in January 2023 and appointed as the Chief of Bundang Police Station.
Meanwhile, the positions of the new Chief of Police and the Chiefs of Police will be determined later through a consultation process with the provincial and municipal police committees.
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 전남