진보당 홍성규 수석 대변인은 5일 오후 국회 소통관에서 기자회견을 통해 “이재명 전 민주당 대표를 필두로 민주당 의원들과 보좌진, 당직자, 언론인, 심지어 일반 시민들까지 검찰의 통신 조회 통보를 받았다”며, “검찰은 존재 자체가 '사찰 DNA', 윤석열 대통령은 답하라!”고 요구했다.
이날 홍성규 대벼인은 “'윤석열 대통령 명예훼손' 사건 수사 과정에서 이뤄진 것으로, 조회 후 30일 이내 통보 규정도 한참 넘겼다. 대상자가 무려 3천 명에 이른다는 보도도 나왔다.”며, “무분별한 통신 조회는 당연히 우리 국민의 기본권에 대한 심각한 침해다.”고 비판했다.
홍 대변인은 “지난 대선 직전인 2021년 12월 공수처에서 윤석열 당시 대선후보 부부를 비롯하여 통신자료 조회를 실시했을 때, 국민의힘에서 냈던 논평으로 갈음하겠다.”며, “당시 국민의힘 중앙선대위 대변인은 '공수처는 존재 자체가 '사찰 DNA'...이재명 후보는 답하라'고 강하게 규탄했다. 당시 윤석열 후보 또한 "미친 사람들 아니냐"고 입장을 밝혔다.”고 상기 시켰다.
한편, 서울중앙지검은 입장문을 내고 '단순 통신가입자 조회를 실시한 것'이라 반박했다.
이와 관련 홍성규 대변인은 “이걸 해명이라고 내놓나? 아니 '단순 조회'라서 문제가 안 된다는 건 도대체 어느 사회의 상식인가?”되물으며, “안 그래도 대통령의 의중만을 좇아 검찰총장마저 따돌림시키고 있는 검찰에 대한 신뢰는 바닥에 떨어진 지 오래다.”라고 강도 높게 비판했다.
홍 대변인은 “이런 상황에서 노골적으로 검찰을 앞세운 사정정치, 협박정치라고 따져 물어도 할 말이 없는 상황 아닌가!”라고 물으며 “국민에 대한 사찰"이라며 "‘미친 사람들 아니냐’고 했던 대통령이 직접 답해보라!”고 촉구했다. hpf21@naver.com
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Hong Seong-gyu, Senior Spokesperson: “The prosecution’s very existence is ‘surveillance DNA’?... President Yoon Seok-yeol must answer”
A whopping 3,000 people were searched for communications... Indiscriminate communications search is a serious violation of the people’s basic rights
Hong Seong-gyu, Senior Spokesperson for the Progressive Party, held a press conference at the National Assembly Communication Center on the afternoon of the 5th, saying, “Starting with former Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung, Democratic Party members, aides, party officials, journalists, and even ordinary citizens received communications search notifications from the prosecution,” and demanded, “The prosecution’s very existence is ‘surveillance DNA’, President Yoon Seok-yeol must answer!”
On that day, Hong Seong-gyu criticized, “This was done during the investigation of the ‘defamation of President Yoon Seok-yeol’ case, and it went far beyond the 30-day notification regulation after the search. There were also reports that the number of targets was as high as 3,000 people,” and “Indiscriminate communications search is obviously a serious violation of the basic rights of our people.”
Spokesperson Hong said, “I will replace the commentary that the People Power Party made when the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials conducted a search of the telecommunications data of then-presidential candidate Yoon Seok-yeol and his wife in December 2021, just before the last presidential election,” and reminded them, “At that time, the spokesperson for the Central Election Committee of the People Power Party strongly condemned the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials, saying, ‘The very existence of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials is ‘surveillance DNA’... Candidate Lee Jae-myung should answer.’ At that time, candidate Yoon Seok-yeol also stated his position, saying, ‘Aren’t they crazy people?’”
Meanwhile, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office issued a statement, refuting the claim that it was ‘a simple search of telecommunication subscribers.’
In relation to this, Spokesperson Hong Seong-gyu asked, “Are you offering this as an explanation? No, what kind of society would say that it is not a problem because it is a ‘simple search’?” and strongly criticized, “Even without that, trust in the prosecution, which only follows the president’s will and even ignores the Prosecutor General, has long since hit rock bottom.”
Spokesperson Hong asked, “In this situation, isn’t it a situation where we have nothing to say even if we openly ask whether this is a political investigation and a politics of intimidation using the prosecution as the frontrunner?” and urged, “This is surveillance of the people,” and “The president who said, ‘Aren’t they crazy?’ should answer this himself!” hpf21@naver.com