더불어민주당 이정헌(서울 광진갑) 의원은 2024년(대한민국 106년) 8월5일, 독립유공자 후손인 광복회 회원들과 함께 국회 소통관에서 기자회견을 열고 “국사편찬위원회를 비롯해 동북아역사재단에 이어 한국학중앙연구원이 뉴라이트에 의해 장악되었다. 우리 역사와 민족정신, 정체성을 관장하는 모든 국가기관의 역사기관이 정부에 의해 유린당하고 있다”면서 “독립정신/민족정기 말살하는 뉴라이트 독립기념관장 제청 결사 반대한다”고 대내외에 천명했다.
광복회 인사들은 한 목소리로 “최근 독립기념관장 후보 선임 과정에도 ‘큰 손’의 흔적이 여기저기 남아 있음을 우려하고 있다. 독립기념관 이사에 뉴라이트가 이미 진입했고, 뉴라이트가 마지막 깃발을 꽂는 곳으로 독립기념관을 생각하는 것이 아니냐는 언론의 우려에도 주목하고 있다”고 밝혔다.
이들은 “독립기념관은 순국선열과 독립운동가의 숭고한 항일운동과 애국애족의 독립 정신이 깃든 민족정기의 전당이다. 또한 독립기념관은 전 국민들의 성금으로 지은 대한민국의 유일한 순국선열들과 독립유공자를 기리는 독립운동사의 성지이다”고 강조했다.
이어 “독립기념관은 1987년 개관 후 37년간 정권이 바뀌더라도 독립운동가후손을 독립기념 관장으로 임명하여 그 정체성과 독립선열의 유지를 계승하고 선양해 왔다”며, “하지만 현 정권은 독립운동 정신과는 하등 관계가 전혀 없는 뉴라이트 계열 인사를 독립기념관장에 임명하려 한다”고 비판했다.
아울러 “우리 순국선열과 독립유공자 후손들은 더 이상 방관할 수가 없다. 뉴라이트 계열의 기념관장 임명계획을 즉각 철회하고 유능한 독립유공자 후손을 독립기념관장에 임명할 것"을 현 정권과 윤석열대통령께 강력하게 촉구했다.
광복회 인사들은 ”저희 순국선열과 독립유공자 후손들은 뉴라이트 계열 인사가 역사기관의 요직을 점령한 오늘날의 대한민국에서 이제는 하소연할 곳이 아무 곳도 없다는 이 대한민국 현실에 분노하며 개탄한다“며, ”이제 8월 광복절을 눈앞에 앞두고 있다. 독립유공자 후손들은 아직도 광복이 되지 않은 나라에서 사는 것처럼 참담한 심정으로 독립기념관장의 임명을 제고해 주실 것“을 현 정부에 강력히 요구했다.
이들은 ”8.15광복절 이전에 독립기념관장임명에 대한 정부의 확실한 답변이 없을 시에는 정부 주관 광복절 행사에 불참하고 광복회와 이종찬 회장은 광복회 주관의 광복절기념행사를 독립기념관에서 거행할 것"을 강력하게 촉구했다.
한편, 이날 기자회견에는 이성헌 의원, 광복회이사 이해석, 감사 장세봉, 부산지부장 백기환, 대의원 목장균, (전)서울지부장 김각래,(전)충북지부장 장기영,(전)충남지부장 유병성, (전)성남지회장 이용위,(전)대의원 정종국 외 광복회원 일동이 함께 했다. hpf21@naver.com
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
The New Right’s proposal to nominate the director of the Independence Hall of Korea, which destroys the spirit of independence and national spirit, is resolutely opposed
The New Right’s push for the director of the Independence Hall of Korea… We will not attend the Liberation Day event, and we urge the promotion of an independent event at the Independence Hall of Korea
On August 5, 2024 (the 106th year of the Republic of Korea), Lee Jeong-heon (Seoul Gwangjin-gap), a member of the Liberation Association, who are descendants of independence activists, held an emergency press conference at the National Assembly Communication Center with members of the Liberation Association, and declared, “Following the National Institute of Korean History and the Northeast Asian History Foundation, the Academy of Korean Studies has been taken over by the New Right. All the historical institutions of state institutions that oversee our history, national spirit, and identity are being trampled by the government,” and declared to the public at home and abroad, “We resolutely oppose the proposal to nominate the director of the Independence Hall of Korea, which destroys the spirit of independence and national spirit.”
The Liberation Association members unanimously expressed their concerns, saying, “We are concerned that traces of ‘big hands’ remain here and there in the recent selection process for the director of the Independence Hall of Korea. “We are also paying attention to the media’s concerns that the New Right has already entered the board of directors of the Independence Hall and that the New Right is thinking of the Independence Hall as the place where they will plant their last flag,” he said.
They emphasized, “The Independence Hall is a hall of national spirit that contains the noble anti-Japanese movement and patriotic spirit of independence of the martyrs and independence activists. In addition, the Independence Hall is the only place in the Republic of Korea that honors the martyrs and independence activists who were built with donations from all citizens, and is a sacred place for the history of the independence movement.”
They continued, “Since its opening in 1987, the Independence Hall has continued to inherit and promote its identity and the maintenance of independence activists by appointing descendants of independence activists as directors of the Independence Hall even when the government changed for 37 years,” and criticized, “However, the current government is trying to appoint a New Right figure who has absolutely nothing to do with the spirit of the independence movement as director of the Independence Hall.”
They also said, “Our martyrs and independence activists’ descendants cannot stand by and watch any longer. We strongly urged the current government and President Yoon Seok-yeol to immediately withdraw the plan to appoint a New Right-affiliated director of the memorial hall and appoint a capable descendant of an independence activist as the director of the Independence Hall of Korea.
The members of the Liberation Association said, “We, the descendants of our patriotic ancestors and independence activists, are furious and deplore the reality of today’s Republic of Korea, where New Right-affiliated figures occupy key positions in historical institutions, and now we have nowhere to vent our grievances,” and “Now, Liberation Day is just around the corner in August. The descendants of independence activists are still living in a country that has not yet been liberated, and we strongly demand that the current government reconsider the appointment of the director of the Independence Hall of Korea.”
These are the members who strongly urged, “If there is no clear answer from the government regarding the appointment of the director of the Independence Hall before August 15th, we will not participate in the government-hosted Independence Day event, and the Independence Association and Chairman Lee Jong-chan will hold the Independence Day commemoration event hosted by the Independence Association at the Independence Hall.”
Meanwhile, the press conference that day was attended by Rep. Lee Seong-heon, Independence Association Director Lee Hae-seok, Auditor Jang Se-bong, Busan Branch Director Baek Gi-hwan, Delegate Mok Jang-gyun, (former) Seoul Branch Director Kim Gak-rae, (former) Chungbuk Branch Director Jang Gi-yeong, (former) Chungnam Branch Director Yoo Byeong-seong, (former) Seongnam Branch Director Lee Yong-wi, (former) Delegate Jeong Jong-guk, and all members of the Independence Association. hpf21@naver.com