
중견기업, 내수경기 직격탄 3분기 영업익 6%↓..대기업과 대조

정민우 기자 | 기사입력 2024/11/20 [09:41]

브레이크뉴스 정민우 기자= 국내 500대 상장 중견기업의 올 3분기 매출이 전년 동기보다 3.5% 증가했음에도 영업이익은 오히려 6.0% 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 


같은 기간 500대 기업의 매출과 영업이익이 전년 대비 각각 4.4%, 33.9% 크게 증가한 것과 대조를 보였다. 


대기업의 경우, 반도체 등 수출 주력업종이 회복되면서 실적이 개선된 반면, 상대적으로 내수 업종이 많은 중견기업들은 경기침체, 물가상승 등의 여파로 수익성이 악화된 것으로 풀이된다.


20일 CEO스코어에 따르면 국내 매출 상위 500대 상장 중견기업 중 분기 보고서를 제출한 488개사를 대상으로 올 3분기 실적을 조사한 결과, 이들 기업의 3분기 영업이익은 2조8806억원으로 전년 동기(3조641억원) 대비 1835억원(6.0%) 줄어들었다. 단, 상장 중견기업의 올 3분기 전체 매출액은 57조8686억원으로, 전년 동기 55조9082억원 대비 3.5% 증가했다.


상장 중견기업의 이 같은 수치는 500대 대기업의 3분기 매출액과 영업이익이 모두 개선된 것과 대조를 보이고 있다. 


3분기 500대 기업의 3분기 실적을 조사한 결과, 매출액은 776조9907억원으로 전년 동기(743조9593억원) 대비 4.4% 증가했고, 영업이익도 올 3분기 58조6151억원으로 전년(43조7881억원) 대비 33.9%나 급증했다.


기업별로 보면 삼양식품의 영업이익이 가장 컸다. 삼양식품의 3분기 영업이익은 873억원으로, 전년 동기(434억원) 대비 101% 성장했다. 


이어 △더블유게임즈(595억원) △메가스터디교육(543억원) △주성엔지니어링(522억원) △위메이드(518억원) △JYP엔터테인먼트(484억원) △제이에스코퍼레이션(428억원) △솔브레인(397억원) △한솔케미칼(370억원) △경동나비엔(368억원) △파라다이스(362억원) 등이었다.


반면, 같은 기간 영업손실 규모가 가장 컸던 곳은 아주스틸로 조사됐다. 아주스틸은 3분기 273억원의 ‘영업손실’을 내며 적자전환했다. 


다음으로 △삼부토건(-268억원) △제이엔티씨(-252억원) △더블유씨피(-194억원) △솔루스첨단소재(-187억원) △원익피앤이(-162억원) △네패스(-157억원) △케이비아이동국실업(-140억원) △가온그룹(-138억원) △핸즈코퍼레이션(-122억원) 순으로 적자 규모가 컸다.


전년 동기 대비 영업이익이 가장 크게 늘어난 곳은 주성엔지니어링이었다. 주성엔지니어링의 3분기 영업이익은 522억원으로 전년(62억원) 대비 8배에 가까운 460억원(744.1%)이나 급증했다. 


이어 △삼양식품(439억원·101%) △SD바이오센서(337억원·적자축소) △서진시스템(301억원·957.9%) △락앤락(266억원·흑자전환) △피엔티(251억원·426.9%) △서울바이오시스(250억원·흑자전환) △롯데관광개발(218억원·6418.5%) △미코(215억원·389.4%) △자화전자(214억원·흑자전환) 등이었다.


반대로, 전년보다 영업이익이 가장 크게 줄어든 곳은 아난티였다. 아난티의 3분기 영업이익은 157억원으로 전년(832억원)보다 675억원(-81.1%) 급감했다. 


다음으로 △휴스틸(-497억원·적자전환) △제이앤티씨(-422억원·적자전환) △케이씨(-349억원·적자전환) △아주스틸(-305억원·적자전환) △더블유씨피(-295억원·적자전환) △엘오티베큠(-265억원·적자전환) △YG엔터테인먼트(-248억원·적자전환) △삼목에스폼(-231억원·-69.6%) △하이비젼시스템(-229억원·-63.8%) 순으로 영업이익 감소액이 컸다.


한편, 500대 상장 중견기업 중 영업이익이 가장 크게 증가한 업종은 IT전기전자(1379억원)였으며, 식음료(621억원), 석유화학(372억원), 의료기기(274억원), 제약·바이오(248억원), 운송(198억원), 유통(166억원), 자동차·부품(-586억원), 생활용품(-616억원), 조선·기계·설비(-658억원), 서비스(-791억원), 건설·건자재(-978억원), 철강·금속·비금속(-1464억원)이 뒤를 이었다.





*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Mid-sized companies, direct hit to domestic economy, 3rd quarter operating profit 6%↓.. Contrast with large companies


Although the sales of the top 500 listed mid-sized companies in Korea increased by 3.5% in the third quarter compared to the same period last year, their operating profit actually decreased by 6.0%.


This is in contrast to the sales and operating profit of the top 500 companies in the same period, which increased by 4.4% and 33.9%, respectively, compared to the same period last year.


In the case of large companies, while their performance improved as export-oriented industries such as semiconductors recovered, mid-sized companies with relatively many domestic industries saw their profitability deteriorate due to the economic downturn and rising prices.


According to CEO Score on the 20th, the results of a survey of the performance of 488 companies among the top 500 listed mid-sized companies in Korea that submitted quarterly reports showed that their operating profit in the third quarter was 2.8806 trillion won, down 183.5 billion won (6.0%) from the same period last year (3.641 trillion won). However, the total sales of listed mid-sized companies in the third quarter of this year amounted to KRW 57.8686 trillion, up 3.5% from KRW 55.9082 trillion in the same period last year.


These figures for listed mid-sized companies are in contrast to the improvement in both sales and operating profit of the top 500 companies in the third quarter.


According to the results of a survey of the 500 largest companies in the third quarter, sales increased by 4.4% year-on-year (KRW 743.9593 trillion) to KRW 776.9907 trillion, and operating profit also increased by 33.9% year-on-year (KRW 43.7881 trillion) to KRW 58.6151 trillion in the third quarter of this year.


By company, Samyang Foods had the largest operating profit. Samyang Foods' operating profit in the third quarter was KRW 87.3 billion, a 101% increase year-on-year (KRW 43.4 billion).


Next were W Games (KRW 59.5 billion), Megastudy Education (KRW 54.3 billion), Juseong Engineering (KRW 52.2 billion), Wemade (KRW 51.8 billion), JYP Entertainment (KRW 48.4 billion), JS Corporation (KRW 42.8 billion), Solbrain (KRW 39.7 billion), Hansol Chemical (KRW 37 billion), Kyungdong Navien (KRW 36.8 billion), and Paradise (KRW 36.2 billion).


On the other hand, the company with the largest operating loss during the same period was found to be Aju Steel. Aju Steel turned to a deficit with an ‘operating loss’ of KRW 27.3 billion in the third quarter.


Next, the deficits were large in the following order: △Sambu Construction (-26.8 billion won), △JNTC (-25.2 billion won), △WCP (-19.4 billion won), △Solus Advanced Materials (-18.7 billion won), △Wonik P&E (-16.2 billion won), △Nepass (-15.7 billion won), △KBI Dongguk Industrial (-14 billion won), △Gaon Group (-13.8 billion won), and △Hands Corporation (-12.2 billion won).


The company with the largest increase in operating profit compared to the same period last year was Juseong Engineering. Juseong Engineering's operating profit in the third quarter was 52.2 billion won, a sharp increase of 46 billion won (744.1%), nearly 8 times that of the previous year (6.2 billion won).


Next were Samyang Foods (KRW 43.9 billion, 101%), SD Biosensor (KRW 33.7 billion, reduced deficit), Seojin Systems (KRW 30.1 billion, 957.9%), Lock & Lock (KRW 26.6 billion, turned to profit), PNT (KRW 25.1 billion, 426.9%), Seoul Biosys (KRW 25 billion, turned to profit), Lotte Tour Development (KRW 21.8 billion, 6418.5%), Mico (KRW 21.5 billion, 389.4%), and Jahwa Electronics (KRW 21.4 billion, turned to profit).


On the other hand, Ananti saw the largest decrease in operating profit compared to the previous year. Ananti's operating profit in the third quarter was KRW 15.7 billion, a sharp drop of KRW 67.5 billion (-81.1%) from the previous year (KRW 83.2 billion).


Next, the decrease in operating profit was the largest in the following order: △Hysteel (-49.7 billion won, turning into a deficit), △J&T C (-42.2 billion won, turning into a deficit), △KC (-34.9 billion won, turning into a deficit), △Aju Steel (-30.5 billion won, turning into a deficit), △WCP (-29.5 billion won, turning into a deficit), △LOT Vacuum (-26.5 billion won, turning into a deficit), △YG Entertainment (-24.8 billion won, turning into a deficit), △Sammok Espoam (-23.1 billion won, -69.6%), and △Hivision System (-22.9 billion won, -63.8%). Meanwhile, among the top 500 listed mid-sized companies, the industry with the largest increase in operating profit was IT/Electronics (KRW 137.9 billion), followed by Food and Beverage (KRW 62.1 billion), Petrochemicals (KRW 37.2 billion), Medical Devices (KRW 27.4 billion), Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology (KRW 24.8 billion), Transportation (KRW 19.8 billion), Distribution (KRW 16.6 billion), Automobiles/Parts (KRW -58.6 billion), Household Goods (KRW -61.6 billion), Shipbuilding/Machinery/Equipment (KRW -65.8 billion), Services (KRW -79.1 billion), Construction/Building Materials (KRW -97.8 billion), and Steel/Metals/Non-Metals (KRW -146.4 billion).

기사제보 및 보도자료 119@breaknews.com
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