신천지예수교 증거장막성전 바돌로매지파 화곡교회(지파장 곽종렬·이하 신천지 화곡교회)는 10월27일 보도자료에서 “전국에서 많은 목회자 및 신앙인을 중심으로 계시록 성취 증거 말씀대성회의 열풍이 지속된 데 이어 서울 강서구에서 첫 강연이 펼쳐졌다. 10월27일 신천지예수교 증거장막성전 바돌로매지파 화곡교회(지파장 곽종렬·이하 신천지 화곡교회)가 ‘바돌로매지파 계시록 성취 증거 신천지 말씀대성회’의 첫 포문을 열었다”고 알렸다.
이 자료에 따르면, 이 행사는 지난 9월 말부터 약 한 달간 열린 ‘2024 신천지 계시 성취 실상 증거 말씀대성회’의 연장선으로 열렸다. 9월 말 전도대성회가 마무리된 이후 목회자들과 신앙인들의 꾸준한 문의와 요청에 따라 열린 후속 행사. 서울·경기 서부 지역에 위치한 신천지 바돌로매지파는 신천지 화곡교회를 시작으로 곽종렬 지파장이 직접 강연자로 나서 말씀대성회의 바통을 이어간다고 덧붙였다.
이날 열린 말씀대성회는 2000여 명이 강연을 듣고자 현장에 참석했고 지역 목회자 30명도 참석해 함께 강연을 들었다. 이날 강의자로 나선 곽종렬 지파장은 “계시록은 예언이지만, 때가 되면 성취된다. 성취되면 그다음에 그 사실을 명확하게 알려야 한다. 신천지예수교회에선 이것을 확실하게 전하기 때문에 우리가 자신 있게 말씀대성회를 여는 것”이라고 말했다. 이어 “계시록은 예수 그리스도의 계시이며, 하나님께서 주신 말씀이다. 이 말씀을 모르면 하나님과 그 뜻을 알 수 없다. 그래서 우리는 계시록을 확실히 알아야 한다”고 강조했다.
신천지 말씀대성회에 두 번째 참석했다는 대한예수교장로회 합동총회 소속 엄자미 목사는 “지난 (신천지) 영등포교회에서 열린 말씀대성회에 참석했다. 한 번의 강연만으로는 계시록 말씀을 충분히 이해하기 어렵다고 생각해 오늘 (신천지) 화곡교회 말씀대성회에 두 번째 방문했다”고 참석 이유를 밝혔다.
한편, 신천지 바돌로매지파는 화곡교회에서 열리는 이번 행사를 시작으로 11월 3일 부천교회, 11월 17일 광명교회에서도 말씀대성회를 이어갈 예정이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Hwagok Church, 2,000 People Attend Word Conference
Reporter Park Jeong-dae
On October 27, the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, Bartholomew Tribe, Hwagok Church (branch leader Kwak Jong-ryeol, hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Hwagok Church) announced in a press release, “Following the continued popularity of the Revelation Fulfillment Evidence Word Conference centered around many pastors and believers across the country, the first lecture was held in Gangseo-gu, Seoul. On October 27, the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, Bartholomew Tribe, Hwagok Church (branch leader Kwak Jong-ryeol, hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Hwagok Church) opened the first door to the ‘Bartholomew Tribe Revelation Fulfillment Evidence Shincheonji Word Conference’.”
According to this data, this event was held as an extension of the ‘2024 Shincheonji Revelation Fulfillment Reality Evidence Word Conference’ that was held for about a month from the end of September. It was a follow-up event held in response to constant inquiries and requests from pastors and believers after the evangelism conference concluded at the end of September. The Bartholomew branch of Shincheonji, located in the western part of Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, added that starting with the Shincheonji Hwagok Church, the branch leader Kwak Jong-ryeol will personally take over the baton of the Word Conference by appearing as a speaker.
Approximately 2,000 people attended the Word Conference held that day to hear the lecture, and 30 local pastors also attended and listened to the lecture. Branch leader Kwak Jong-ryeol, who spoke that day, said, “The Book of Revelation is a prophecy, but it will be fulfilled when the time comes. When it is fulfilled, we must clearly announce the fact. Shincheonji Church of Jesus conveys this clearly, which is why we are holding the Word Conference with confidence.” He continued, “The Book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ and the word given by God. If you don’t know this word, you can’t know God and His will. That’s why we must know the Book of Revelation for sure,” he emphasized.
Pastor Eom Ja-mi, a member of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Korea who attended the Shincheonji Word Conference for the second time, said, “I attended the Word Conference held at the Yeongdeungpo Church (Shincheonji) last time. I thought it would be difficult to fully understand the Book of Revelation with just one lecture, so I visited the Hwagok Church Word Conference for the second time today.”
Meanwhile, the Bartholomew Tribe of Shincheonji plans to continue the Word Conference at the Bucheon Church on November 3 and the Gwangmyeong Church on November 17, starting with this event held at the Hwagok Church.
- On October 27, the Bartholomew Tribe of Shincheonji held the ‘Bartholomew Tribe Revelation Fulfillment Evidence Shincheonji Word Conference’ at the Hwagok Church of Shincheonji. [Photo courtesy of Shincheonji Hwagok Church]
2. On October 27, the Bartholomew Tribe of Shincheonji held the ‘Bartholomew Tribe Revelation Fulfillment Evidence Shincheonji Word Conference’ at Shincheonji Hwagok Church, and Kwak Jong-ryeol, the branch leader, is giving a lecture. [Photo courtesy of Shincheonji Hwagok Church]
3. On October 27, the Bartholomew Tribe of Shincheonji held the ‘Bartholomew Tribe Revelation Fulfillment Evidence Shincheonji Word Conference’ at Shincheonji Hwagok Church, and the PR team is welcoming the attendees. [Photo courtesy of Shincheonji Hwagok Church]
4. On October 27, the Bartholomew Tribe of Shincheonji held the ‘Bartholomew Tribe Revelation Fulfillment Evidence Shincheonji Word Conference’ at Shincheonji Hwagok Church, and a pastor is taking notes. [Photo courtesy of Shincheonji Hwagok Church]