신천지예수교 증거장막성전(총회장 이만희·이하 신천지예수교회)은 10월21일 보도자료에서 “지난달 초부터 이달 중순까지 전국에서 진행된 요한계시록 열풍이 채 가시지 않은 이때, 전국 주요 도시에서 다시 계시록 세미나가 이어진다. 신천지예수교회는 이만희 총회장에 이어 전국 각 지역을 맡은 12지파장이 바통을 이어받아 계시록 말씀 세미나를 개최한다”고 밝혔다.
이 자료에 따르면, 이만희 총회장의 계시록 강연이 전북 전주에서 마무리되자, 이만희 총회장이 미처 가지 못한 지역은 물론 말씀·전도 대성회가 열렸음에도 추가로 계시록 강연을 열어달라는 목회자·신앙인들의 요청에 의해 성사됐다고 한다. 강연자로 나서는 12지파장은 이만희 총회장에게 직접 배운 베테랑 강사들로 구성돼 있다. 이들의 계시록 강연은 지난 10월19일부터 시작됐으며, 11월 중순까지 기획돼 있다는 것.
신천지예수교회측은 “가장 먼저 시작한 곳은 인천지역을 맡은 마태지파다. 마태지파는 지난 10월19일부터 11월16일까지 매주 토요일 오후 2시경에 ‘계시록 토요특강’이라는 타이틀로 계시록이 궁금한 목회자와 신앙인을 만난다”고 알렸다.
신천지예수교회측은 전국 각 지역에서 추가 계시록 말씀 세미나를 이어간다고 덧붙였다. 창원에서 포문을 연 부산야고보지파와 안드레지파는 10월23일 신천지 부산교회와 10월27일 안드레연수원에서도 추가로 전도 대성회를 개최, 신앙인들에게 이뤄진 계시록을 전한다고.
대구·경북지역을 맡은 다대오지파도 대구 전도 대성회를 시작으로 오는 10월23일에는 신천지 포항교회, 10월26일 신천지 구미교회에서 계시록이 성취된 실상 증거에 나선다. 강원지역과 충청 일부 지역을 담당하는 빌립지파도 20일 신천지 춘천교회를 시작으로 ▲10월23일 신천지 충주교회 ▲10월27일 신천지 강릉교회서 계시록 강연을 진행한다. 10월 23일에는 대전·충청지역의 맛디아지파와 서울·경기 동북부 지역을 담당하는 서울야고보지파가 계시록 강연을 시작한다. 맛디아지파는 ▲10월23일 신천지 서산교회 ▲10월27일 신천지 공주교회 ▲11월 3일 신천지 대전교회에서 계시록 강연을 갖는다.
서울·경기 남부 지역을 맡은 요한지파는 10월26일 신천지 성남교회를 시작으로 ▲11월3일 신천지 수원교회 ▲16일 강동교회에서 계시록 말씀 세미나를 열고, 전북지역을 담당하는 도마지파도 같은 날 신천지 전주교회에서 매주 토요일마다 계시록 강연을 이어간다.
광주와 전남지역을 맡은 베드로지파와 서울·경기 서북부 지역을 담당하는 시몬지파, 서울·경기 서부의 바돌로매지파는 10월27일부터 계시록 말씀 세미나를 시작한다. 이들은 각각 신천지 광주교회, 신천지 서대문교회, 신천지 화곡교회를 시작으로 베드로지파는 목포와 순천, 시몬지파는 고양과 파주, 바돌로매지파는 부천과 광명 지역에서 계시록의 중요성을 신앙인들에게 전한다는 계획이다.
신천지예수교회에 따르면, 지난 9월5일 기준 신천지예수교회와 말씀 교류 업무협약(MOU)를 체결한 국내 기성교회는 747곳에 달하며, 이 가운데 협력교회로 발전, 합의각서(MOA)를 체결했거나 준비 중인 교회도 60여 곳에 달한다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Shincheonji Church of Jesus to Hold Additional Revelation Seminars Nationwide
- Reporter Park Jeong-dae
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (General Chairman Lee Man-hee, hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Church of Jesus) announced in a press release on October 21, “While the Revelation fever that took place nationwide from early last month to mid-month has not yet subsided, the Revelation Seminar will be held again in major cities nationwide. Following General Chairman Lee Man-hee, Shincheonji Church of Jesus will hold Revelation seminars with the 12 branch leaders in charge of each region nationwide taking over the baton.”
According to this document, after General Chairman Lee Man-hee’s Revelation lecture concluded in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, additional Revelation lectures were held at the request of pastors and believers in areas where General Chairman Lee Man-hee could not visit, as well as in areas where the Word and Evangelism Convention was held. The 12 branch leaders who will be presenting as lecturers are veteran instructors who learned directly from General Chairman Lee Man-hee. Their Revelation lectures began on October 19th and are planned to last until mid-November.
Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “The first to start was the Matthew Tribe in charge of the Incheon area. The Matthew Tribe will meet with pastors and believers who are curious about the Revelation under the title of ‘Revelation Saturday Special Lecture’ every Saturday from October 19th to November 16th.”
Shincheonji Church of Jesus added that they will continue to hold additional Revelation seminars in each region of the country. The Busan James Tribe and the Andre Tribe, which started in Changwon, will hold additional evangelistic revival meetings at the Shincheonji Busan Church on October 23rd and at the Andre Training Center on October 27th to share the Revelation that has been fulfilled with believers.
The Dadaeo Tribe, which covers the Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions, will also begin the Daegu Evangelism Convention, and on October 23, at the Pohang Church of Shincheonji, and on October 26, at the Gumi Church of Shincheonji, to provide evidence of the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation. The Philip Tribe, which covers the Gangwon and Chungcheong regions, will also begin the Revelation lectures at the Chuncheon Church of Shincheonji on the 20th, and on October 23 at the Chungju Church of Shincheonji, and on October 27 at the Gangneung Church of Shincheonji. On October 23, the Matthias Tribe of Daejeon and Chungcheong and the Seoul James Tribe, which covers the northeastern part of Seoul and Gyeonggi, will begin their Revelation lectures. The Matthias Tribe will hold Revelation lectures at the Seosan Church of Shincheonji on October 23, the Gongju Church of Shincheonji on October 27, and the Daejeon Church of Shincheonji on November 3. The John tribe, which covers the southern part of Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, will hold a Revelation seminar starting with Shincheonji Seongnam Church on October 26, followed by ▲Shincheonji Suwon Church on November 3 and ▲Gangdong Church on November 16. The Thomas tribe, which covers the Jeonbuk region, will also continue to hold Revelation lectures every Saturday at Shincheonji Jeonju Church on the same day.
The Peter tribe, which covers Gwangju and Jeonnam Province, the Simon tribe, which covers the northwestern part of Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, and the Bartholomew tribe, which covers the western part of Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, will begin holding Revelation seminars on October 27. Starting with Shincheonji Gwangju Church, Shincheonji Seodaemun Church, and Shincheonji Hwagok Church, they plan to convey the importance of Revelation to believers in Mokpo and Suncheon for the Peter tribe, Goyang and Paju for the Simon tribe, and Bucheon and Gwangmyeong for the Bartholomew tribe.
According to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, as of September 5, there are 747 domestic established churches that have signed a business agreement (MOU) for word exchange with Shincheonji Church of Jesus, and among them, there are about 60 churches that have developed into cooperative churches and have signed or are preparing to sign a memorandum of agreement (MOA).
- Attendees listening to the performance of the head of the branch, Sung Chang-ho, at the Busan·Gyeongnam Encore Shincheonji Evangelism Convention held by the Busan James Tribe and the Andre Tribe in Changwon, Gyeongnam on October 20. [Photo provided by Shincheonji Church of Jesus]
- Attendees welcoming pastors and other attendees at the Busan·Gyeongnam Encore Shincheonji Evangelism Convention held by the Busan James Tribe and the Andre Tribe in Changwon, Gyeongnam on October 20. [Photo provided by Shincheonji Church of Jesus]
- On October 19, at the Shincheonji Matthew Tribe’s ‘Revelation Saturday Special Lecture’ held in Incheon, Shin Dong-moon, the branch leader, is giving a lecture on the Book of Revelation to the attendees. [Photo provided by Shincheonji Church of Jesus]
- On October 20, at the Philip Tribe’s Shincheonji Evangelism Convention held at Shincheonji Chuncheon Church, attendees are listening to the Revelation lecture by branch leader Kim Won-guk. [Photo provided by Shincheonji Church of Jesus]