(광주=브레이크뉴스) 이학수 기자=광주자치경찰위원회가 올해 하반기 전남대 인근 원룸촌에 대한 범죄예방 환경개선 사업을 추진한다.
광주시자치경찰위원회는 최근 행정안전부의 ‘주민과 함께하는 더 안심, 우리 동네 만들기’ 공모사업에 선정돼 특별교부세 3억5000만원을 확보했다.
이번 공모는 행안부가 지역별 치안수요를 반영해 지자체의 주민 생활안전 시책을 지원하기 위한 것으로, 광주자치경찰위원회는 광주경찰청과 협업해 ‘대학가 범죄예방 복합 커뮤니티 조성 사업’을 신청해 선정됐다. 특히 이번 공모에서 광주자치경찰위는 사업비를 전국 최고로 확보했다.
광주자치경찰위원회와 광주경찰청은 총 사업비 7억원(국비 3억5000만원, 시비 3억5000만원)을 투입해 올해 하반기부터 2026년까지 북구 용봉동 전남대학교 인근 원룸촌에 대한 범죄예방 환경개선 사업을 추진한다.
전남대 후문‧상대 인근 원룸촌은 대학생 1인 가구 등이 밀집된 곳으로 야간 보행환경 개선 요구가 가장 많았던 지역이다. 광주자치경찰위원회는 이 곳에 ▲지능형 폐쇄회로텔레비전(CCTV) ▲비상벨 ▲홍보용 전광판 등 범죄예방 시설물 스마트폴을 설치할 계획이다. 또 저층부 범죄 취약 원룸에는 ▲방범창 ▲가스배관 가시덮개 설치 등을 지원한다.
안진 광주자치경찰위원장은 “특별교부세 확보는 그동안 부족한 지방예산으로 추진해 온 범죄예방 사업에 활력을 가져올 것”이라며 “이번 사업으로 안전한 주거환경 조성과 더불어 범죄 취약계층의 침입범죄 예방 등 범죄 불안감을 해소하고, 관계기관과 적극적인 협력으로 범죄예방 환경개선 사업을 지속해 나가겠다”고 말했다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문] 입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Gwangju Autonomous Police, Jeonnam National University One-Room Village Crime Prevention Environment Improvement
Ministry of the Interior and Safety ‘University Area Crime Prevention’ Competition Selection… Secured 350 million won in project cost, Installation of smart poles for intelligent CCTVs, emergency bells, etc., Support for security windows, etc.
(Gwangju=Break News) Reporter Lee Hak-su=The Gwangju Autonomous Police Commission is promoting a crime prevention environment improvement project for the one-room village near Chonnam National University in the second half of this year.
The Gwangju City Autonomous Police Commission was recently selected for the Ministry of the Interior and Safety’s ‘Make Our Neighborhood Safer with Residents’ competition project and secured 350 million won in special grants.
This competition is intended to support local governments’ resident safety policies by reflecting the public safety needs of each region, and the Gwangju Autonomous Police Commission applied for the ‘University Area Crime Prevention Complex Community Creation Project’ in collaboration with the Gwangju Metropolitan Police Agency and was selected. In particular, the Gwangju Autonomous Police Commission secured the highest project cost in the country in this competition.
The Gwangju Autonomous Police Commission and the Gwangju Metropolitan Police Agency will invest a total of KRW 700 million (KRW 350 million from the national budget and KRW 350 million from the city budget) to promote a crime prevention environment improvement project for the one-room village near Chonnam National University in Yongbong-dong, Buk-gu from the second half of this year to 2026.
The one-room village near the back gate of Chonnam National University and Sangdae is an area where single-person college student households are densely located, and it is the area where the most requests for improvement of the nighttime pedestrian environment were made. The Gwangju Autonomous Police Commission plans to install ▲smart poles, crime prevention facilities such as ▲intelligent closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs), ▲emergency bells, and ▲promotional electronic boards, in this area. In addition, ▲security windows ▲gas pipe spike covers will be installed in one-room apartments on low floors that are vulnerable to crime.
Gwangju Autonomous Police Commissioner Ahn Jin said, “Securing special grants will revitalize crime prevention projects that have been promoted with insufficient local budgets,” adding, “Through this project, we will create a safe residential environment and alleviate the anxiety about crime by preventing intrusion crimes among the crime-vulnerable class, and we will continue to actively cooperate with relevant organizations to improve the crime prevention environment.”
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 전남