브레이크뉴스 임국정 기자 = 하태경 전 국민의힘 의원이 최근 자신이 보험연수원장 후보로 단독 추천된 사실과 관련해 낙하산·보은성 인사 논란이 일자 "비판을 달게 받겠다"라고 8일 브레이크뉴스에 밝혔다.
하 전 의원은 '본인의 경력과 보험 분야가 큰 연관성이 없다는 지적도 달게 받아들인다는 것이냐'는 질문에도 "그렇다"라고 답했다.
사실상 보험 산업 관련 경력이 없음에도 보험연수원장 후보로 단독 추천됐음을 본인도 인정한 것이다.
다만, 그는 "이미 업무는 충분히 파악했다"라며 "비전과 실력으로 성과를 보여드리겠다"라고 말했다.
앞서 보험연수원은 지난 6일 원장후보추천위원회가 하 전 의원을 보험연수원장 후보로 총회에 단독 추천하기로 결의했다고 밝혔다. 당시 위원회는 하 전 의원을 "보험 산업 발전에 필요한 인재를 양성하기 위해 설립된 전문교육기관인 보험연수원을 이끌어갈 적임자"라고 평가했다.
하지만 이후 하 전 의원에게 관련 경력이 전무하다는 점이 도마 위에 올랐다. 하 전 의원은 서울대학교 물리학과를 졸업한 뒤 SK텔레콤 경영경제연구소 수석연구원, 민주평화통일자문회의 자문위원 등을 거쳐 2012년 국회의원에 당선됐다. 이후 내리 3선을 하는 동안 국회 농림축산식품해양수산위원회, 국토교통위원회, 국방위원회 등에서 활동했다. 지난 총선을 앞두고는 험지 출마를 선언하며 지역구를 옮겼으나, 당내 경선에 패하며 공천을 받지 못해 국회 재입성에 실패했다.
직전 보험연수원장들이 모두 정치인 출신이라는 점도 문제로 지목됐다. 보험연수원장직은 주로 금융권 인사가 맡아오다, 2018년 정희수 전 새누리당(현 국민의힘) 의원, 2021년 민병두 전 더불어민주당 의원 등 최근 정치권 인사가 연이어 원장 자리에 올랐다. 하 전 의원이 이변 없이 원장으로 선임되면 3연속 정치인 출신 원장이 탄생하는 것이다. 과거 하 전 의원 본인조차도 이처럼 외부 인사가 공공기관 임원을 맡는 행태를 비판한 적이 있다.
원장 후보로 추천된 하 전 의원은 추후 보험연수원 회원 총회에서 원장으로 선임될 예정이다. 보험연수원장은 3년 임기에 수억 원의 연봉을 받는 것으로 알려졌다.
#국민의힘 #하태경 #보험연수원장 #단독추천
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. 구글 번역은 이해도를 높이기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. Google Translate is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
[Exclusive] Ha Tae-kyung, "I will accept criticism" amid parachute controversy after sole recommendation for head of Insurance Training Institute
Former People Power Party lawmaker Ha Tae-kyung: "I already have a good grasp of the work... I will show results with my vision and skills."
Break News, Im Guk-jeong = Former People Power Party lawmaker Ha Tae-kyung recently revealed to Break News on the 8th that he would "accept criticism" in response to the controversy over parachute and gratuitous appointments regarding his sole recommendation as the head of the Insurance Training Institute.
When asked, "Do you accept the criticism that your career and the insurance field are not closely related?", former lawmaker Ha also answered, "Yes."
In effect, he himself admitted that he was the sole candidate for the head of the Insurance Training Institute despite having no experience in the insurance industry.
However, he said, "I have already fully grasped the work," and "I will show results with my vision and skills."
Previously, the Insurance Training Institute announced on the 6th that the Director Candidate Recommendation Committee had resolved to sole recommend former lawmaker Ha to the general meeting as the head of Insurance Training Institute. At the time, the committee evaluated former Rep. Ha as "the right person to lead the Insurance Training Institute, a professional training institute established to foster talent necessary for the development of the insurance industry."
However, the fact that former Rep. Ha had no relevant experience was later criticized. After graduating from the Department of Physics at Seoul National University, former Rep. Ha worked as a senior researcher at the SK Telecom Management and Economic Research Institute and an advisory member of the Democratic Peace and Unification Advisory Council before being elected to the National Assembly in 2012. Since then, he has served three consecutive terms, including in the National Assembly's Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans and Fisheries Committee, the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee, and the National Defense Committee. Ahead of the last general election, he declared that he would run in a difficult district and changed his constituency, but failed to receive the party nomination after losing in the party primary and failing to re-enter the National Assembly.
The fact that all of the previous heads of the Insurance Training Institute were politicians was also pointed out as a problem. The position of the head of the Insurance Training Institute has been held mainly by people from the financial sector, but recently, figures from the political world have been appointed as the head, including former Saenuri Party (now People Power Party) lawmaker Jeong Hee-soo in 2018 and former Democratic Party lawmaker Min Byung-doo in 2021. If former lawmaker Ha is appointed as the head without any changes, it will be the third consecutive time that a politician has been appointed as the head. In the past, former lawmaker Ha himself has criticized the fact that an outsider has taken on the position of executive officer of a public institution.
Former lawmaker Ha, who was recommended as a candidate for the head, is expected to be appointed as the head at the general meeting of members of the Insurance Training Institute. It is known that the head of the Insurance Training Institute receives an annual salary of several hundred million won for a three-year term.