한 해 활동성과 참조 ‘2023년 의정?행정’ 시상 대상자 엄선, 경기도일간기자단 투표로 최종선정
13일 경기도의회 지하1층 대회의실에서 오후2시부터 시상식 열려
[브레이크뉴스경기남부=수원 이귀선기자] 경기도일간기자단(회장 김두일)은 창립3주년과 함께 2023년 의정?행정대상 시상식을 오는 13일 진행한다고 밝혔다.
이번 시상식은 경기도청과 경기도의회 및 경기도교육청을 대상으로 활동하는 10개 언론사 주재 기자들의 모임인 경기도일간기자단이 선정한 데 따른다.
본 행사는 13일 오후 2시부터 경기도의회 지하1층 대회의실에서 진행될 예정이다.
경기도일간기자단이 엄선한 2023년 의정행정대상 및 ESG경영 대상은 후보군 선정에 이어 언론보도 횟수, 조례발행 건수, 선호도 조사 등을 통해 경기도일간기자단 회원 및 외부심사위원들(경기도의원, 경기도일간기자단 자문위원 등)의 심사를 거쳐 최종 선정됐다.
김두일 경기도일간기자단 회장(간사)은 "2023년도가 저물어 가고 있다. 녹록치 않았던 한해였다 보니 작은 빗방울이 모여 큰 물줄기를 이루듯이 하루하루의 삶을 알차게 살아오신 분들이 이루어 낸 성과가 더욱 빛나 보인다."면서 "개인의 삶보다 타인을 그리고 시민들을 위해 헌신해 오신 이들에게 응원의 메시지를 담은 시상식이 앞으로 활동에 디딤돌이 되기를 기원한다."고 전했다.
□ 자치분권 발전 특별상 ▲국회의원 부문-안철수, 유의동, 권칠승, 백혜련 이상 4명
▲특례시장 부문-이상일 용인특례시장 이상 1명, ▲지자체장-정명근 화성시장, 김성제 의왕시장, 이권재 오산시장, 이충우 여주시장 이상 4명, ▲광역의회 부문-염종현 경기도의회 의장, 김판수 경기도의회 부의장, 경기도의회 김시용 의원 이상 3명, ▲기초의회-김기정 수원특례시의회 의장, 이재식 수원특례시의회 부의장 이상 2명.
□ 의정대상 ▲광역의회-김호겸(국), 허 원(국), 이애형(국), 방성환(국), 임상오(국), 유영두(국), 정승현(민), 김미숙(민), 황대호(민), 김회철(민), 장한별(민) 이상 11명 ▲기초의회-수원특례시의회:이재형(국) 용인특례시의회:박은선(국), 박희정(민), 화성시의회:박진섭(국), 김영수(민), 평택시의회: 정일구(국), 김명숙(민), 하남시의회:정혜영(민) 광주시의회:최서윤(국) 이상9명
□ 베스트 상임위원장 ▲유영일 도시환경위원회 위원장(국), 김미리 교육행정위원회 위원장(민), 이선구 예산결산특별위원회 위원장(민) 이상 3명.
□ 우수상임위원회 ▲농정해양위원회(위원장 김성남) 이상 1위원회.
□ 베스트 상임위 의원 부문 ▲의회운영위원회:양우식(국), 김동규(민), ▲기획재정위원회: 김근용(국), 이동현(민), ▲경제노동위원회:홍원길(국), 전석훈(민), ▲안전행정위원회:윤종영(국), 이기환(민), ▲농정해양위원회: 서광범(국), 장대석(민), ▲보건복지위원회:김재훈(국), 황세주(민), ▲건설교통위원회:오준환(국), 이기형(민), ▲도시환경위원회: 백현종(국), 김태형(민), ▲교육기획위원회: 유영두(국), 최효숙(민), ▲교육행정위원회: 김선희(국), 문승호(민), ▲문화체육관광위원회: 이석균(국), 유종상(민), ▲예산결산특별위원회: 이오수(국), 오지훈(민), ▲여성가족평생교육위원회: 서성란(국), 조용호(민) 이상 26명.
□ 행정대상(상임위원회 추천부문) ▲경제노동: 김현대 미래성장산업국장, 문화체육:이원성체육회장, 보건복지:박용배 경기도보건환경연구원 원장, 도시환경:김성수 대외협력처장, 교육기획: 수원교육지원청, 안전행정:정상권 양주소방서장, 농정해양: 김종훈 경기도 축산동물복지국장, 건설교통: 경기도 교통국 버스정책과, 여성가족:도서관정책과 이상 6개 부서 및 3명.
□ 특별상 ▲2023 우수 언론인상-김영석 UPI 본부장, 송길용 매일타임즈 대표기자 이상 2명
□ ESG 경영대상(민간부문)
▲조정남 ㈜성지산업 대표이사, 김현배 ㈜유니테크 전무이사, 양용호 허리편한병원 원장, 박상현 한신대학교 특수체육학과 교수, 정훈철 ㈜필코코스팜 대표이사, 이병배 한국실업탁구협회 회장 이상 6명.
* 행사 식순 및 시상대상자는 진행상황에 따라 일부 변동될 수 있다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Refer to the activities of the year. Recipients for the ‘2023 Legislation and Administration’ award are carefully selected, and the final selection is made through a vote by Gyeonggi-do daily reporters.
On the 13th, the awards ceremony will be held from 2 p.m. in the conference room on the first basement floor of the Gyeonggi Provincial Council.
[Break News Southern Gyeonggi = Suwon Reporter Gwi-seon Lee] Gyeonggi-do Daily Reporters (Chairman Doo-il Kim) announced that it will hold the 2023 Legislative and Administrative Awards Ceremony on the 13th in conjunction with its 3rd anniversary.
This award ceremony was selected by the Gyeonggi Daily Reporters, a group of reporters from 10 media companies working for the Gyeonggi Provincial Office, Gyeonggi Provincial Council, and Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education.
This event will be held in the conference room on the first basement floor of the Gyeonggi Provincial Council from 2 PM on the 13th.
The 2023 Legislative Administration and ESG Management Awards, carefully selected by the Gyeonggi-do Daily Reporters, are selected by Gyeonggi-do Daily Reporters members and external judges (Gyeonggi-do lawmakers, Gyeonggi-do Daily Reporters advisory committee members, etc.) through the selection of candidates, number of media reports, number of ordinances issued, and preference surveys. ) was finally selected after review.
Kim Doo-il, chairman (secretary) of the Gyeonggi Daily Reporters, said, "2023 is coming to an end. It has been a difficult year, so the achievements of those who have lived each day to the fullest, like small raindrops gathering to form a large stream, seem even more brilliant." He said, “I hope that the awards ceremony, which contains a message of support for those who have devoted themselves to others and citizens more than their personal lives, will serve as a stepping stone for future activities.”
[Award Recipients]
□ Special Award for Development of Autonomy and Decentralization ▲ National Assembly Member Category - 4 people including Ahn Cheol-soo, Euidong Yu, Chil-seung Kwon, and Hye-ryeon Baek
▲Special mayor sector - 1 person including Yongin Special Mayor Lee Sang-il, ▲ Local government heads - 4 people including Hwaseong Mayor Jeong Myeong-geun, Uiwang Mayor Kim Seong-je, Osan Mayor Lee Kwon-jae, and Yeoju Mayor Lee Choong-woo, ▲ Metropolitan Council sector - Gyeonggi Provincial Council Chairman Yeom Jong-hyun, Gyeonggi Provincial Council Vice-Chairman Kim Pan-soo , 3 people including Gyeonggi Provincial Council member Kim Si-yong, ▲Basic Council - 2 people including Suwon Special City Council Chairman Kim Ki-jeong and Suwon Special City Council Vice Chairman Lee Jae-sik.
□ Subject of Legislation ▲ Metropolitan Council - Ho-Gyeom Kim (National Assembly), Won Heo (National Assembly), Ae-Hyung Lee (National Assembly), Seong-Hwan Bang (National Assembly), Oh Im Sang-Oh (National Assembly), Young-Doo Yoo (National Assembly), Seung-Hyeon Jeong (Min), Mi-Sook Kim (Min), Dae-Ho Hwang (Min), Kim Hoe-cheol (Min), and Jang Han-byeol (Min) 11 people ▲Basic Council - Suwon Special City Council: Lee Jae-hyung (National Assembly) Yongin Special City Council: Park Eun-seon (National Assembly), Park Hee-Jeong (National Assembly), Hwaseong City Council: Park Jin-seop (National Assembly) , Kim Young-soo (Min), Pyeongtaek City Council: Jeong Il-gu (National), Kim Myeong-sook (Min), Hanam City Council: Jeong Hye-young (Min) Gwangju City Council: Choi Seo-yoon (National) 9 people or more
□ Best standing committee chairs ▲3 people including Urban Environment Committee Chairman Yoo Young-il (Ministry), Education Administration Committee Chairman Kim Mi-ri (Minister), and Budget and Settlement Special Committee Chairman Lee Seon-gu (Minister).
□ Excellent standing committee ▲ 1 committee above the Agricultural Administration and Oceans Committee (Chairman Kim Seong-nam).
□ Best Standing Committee member category ▲Parliamentary Steering Committee: Yang Woo-sik (Korea), Kim Dong-gyu (Min), ▲ Planning and Finance Committee: Kim Geun-yong (Korea), Lee Dong-hyeon (Min), ▲Economic and Labor Committee: Hong Won-gil (Korea), Jeon Seok-hoon (Minister) , ▲Safety and Administration Committee: Jong-Young Yoon (National), Lee Ki-Hwan (Minister), ▲Agricultural Administration and Oceans Committee: Gwang-Beom Seo (National), Dae-Seok Jang (Minister), ▲Health and Welfare Committee: Jaehoon Kim (National), Se-Ju Hwang (Minister), ▲Construction and Transportation Committee: Oh Jun-hwan (department), Lee Ki-hyung (min), ▲Urban Environment Committee: Baek Hyeon-jong (department), Kim Tae-hyeong (min), ▲Education Planning Committee: Yoo Young-du (department), Choi Hyo-sook (min), ▲Education Administration Committee: Kim Seon-hee (department) ), Seung-ho Moon (Minister), ▲Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee: Seok-gyun Lee (department), Jong-sang Yoo (department), ▲Special Committee on Budget and Settlement: Oh-soo Lee (department), Oh Ji-hoon (minister), ▲Committee on Women and Family Lifelong Education: Seong-ran Seo (department) ), Cho Yong-ho (Min) and 26 people.
□ Administrative target (Standing Committee recommendation section) ▲Economics and Labor: Kim Hyun-dae, Director of Future Growth Industry Bureau, Culture and Sports: Sports Council President Lee Won-seong, Health and Welfare: Director Park Yong-bae of Gyeonggi Province Institute for Health and Environment, Urban Environment: External Cooperation Director Kim Seong-su, Education Planning: Suwon Education Support Office, Safety Administration: Yangju Fire Department Chief Jeong Sang-kwon, Agricultural Administration and Marine Affairs: Gyeonggi-do Livestock and Animal Welfare Director Kim Jong-hoon, Construction and Transportation: Gyeonggi-do Transportation Bureau Bus Policy Division, Women and Family: Library Policy Division, six departments and three people.
□ Special Award ▲ 2023 Outstanding Journalist Award - UPI Headquarters Kim Young-seok, Maeil Times Representative Reporter Song Gil-yong, 2 or more people
□ ESG Management Award (Private Sector)
▲6 people including Jo Jeong-nam, CEO of Seongji Industrial Co., Ltd., Kim Hyun-bae, executive director of Unitech Co., Ltd., Yang Yong-ho, director of Waist Comfort Hospital, Park Sang-hyeon, professor of special physical education at Hanshin University, Jeong Hoon-cheol, CEO of Pilcocos Pharm Co., Ltd., and Lee Byeong-bae, president of the Korea Business Table Tennis Association.
* The order of ceremonies and award recipients may change depending on the progress of the event.
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 경기남부